POV Fiona: What Is This Feeling.. Ajar Felon?

I look through the window, where I see kids outside playing tag and two couples walking towards their car. It made me wonder if life was always this calm and peaceful. I mean, from the ups and downs my family was going through with money issues, I couldn't help the thought that crawled up into my head. It wasn't everyday, I would sit here and think about life; but today was just one of those moments.

"Fiona! Your going to be late!" my mom called from downstairs. I sighed in frustration, that I would have to go to school today. It was enough that I was already unpopular and nerd to boot. I walked away from the window "I'm coming mom!" I took one more look in the mirror. I wasn't sure if my yellow shirt with black strips complimented my black high heel boots but I was willing to try to get noticed this year. I gathered my school bag and unplugged my new phone from its charger, making my way downstairs.

When I got down, I heard my mom and dad fighting again. I made sure to listen in and stay in the corner by the stairs "You think I don't want to get a job?! I would prefer a job now, then to have you complain about every damn second." And there it was. The reason why they were always fighting. My dad lost his job about a year ago and mom had to take up extra shifts at the clinic to make ends meet. So, in other words. Dad was jobless and mom was over-worked. Before the argument can take on a desperate turn, I stepped out from the corner pretending I only just got downstairs "Okay, I'm here. Mom your ready?" Mom gave dad one last glare before turning to me "Of course, lets be on our way." As we made our way out the door, I gave dad a tight hug of hope that everything was going to be okay, and followed mom out.

The drive to school was quiet until we hit a red light that was ten blocks away from the school "How much did you hear?" I turn to her while her face was still focused on the road "I guess you knew your seventeen year old daughter was there, huh?" she sighed "You know I don't like it when me and your father fights." I rolled my eyes at how rich that sounded "You don't like it but you guys do it anyway. Why?" the light turns green and she puts on her best smile "Well sweetie, that's life." I couldn't help but laugh at that response "Right, and I'm in high school." I say sarcastically. I turned to look out the window to avoid having anymore conversations. I already knew everything she would have said to make it seem everything was going to be okay. But, I knew better then to believe that..

It was first period and I'm standing by my locker waiting for my three best-friends. Tori, Sasha, and Cleo. We've been best-friends for as long as I can remember. Tori was always the jock in our group. Sasha is the fashion icon, while Cleo and I were nothing but geek without the charming. But we were the prefect group of friends. As I take out my chemistry book, Sasha and Tori shows up both at my sides "Omg Fiona, I'm so loving the black boots." Sasha squeals as Tori rolled her eyes "Only our own fashion icon would know what's in and what's out." We laughed as Sasha pouts "It would have been better if you put in as much as an effort as Fiona, Tori." I laughed even more when Tori gave Sasha the death glare and Sasha putting up her hands like she got caught by the cops. As I'm looking around, I still wasn't seeing any signs of Cleo "Guys, where is Cleo?" While Sasha was to busy fixing her everyday make-up, Tori answers my question "I think she could either be at the library or in study hall." I nod. That did seemed like Cleo. This was finals week. It would only make sense she would be in either of the two cracking down on some studying time by herself. So, we all knew it was better not to disturb her. As we are making our way to chemistry, there he was. Seth Kingston. The only guy I've been crushing on since freshmen year. Seth is not just a drama major but a genius. Plus he was also popular and the quarterback for our schools Red-hawks, football team. And the only one that would ever match up to him is his best-friend Ajar Felon. He was good-looking and a genius, probably more then Seth. But he was the bad boy. As much as he was smart. He was trouble.

As Sasha looks at me, I glared at her "What?" Tori rolled her eyes "Oh come on. Sasha stare could only mean one thing. Are you gonna walk your smart ass over there or are we gonna have to push you to make things happen?" I quickly turn to Tori "You wouldn't dare." Sasha giggles "Oh Fiona. As prefect as my tinted lips are and how awesome I nailed this amazing eye-linear cat eye. Trust and believe--" before Sasha can finish her sentence, we heard I voice behind us "Your blocking my way." as we slowly turned around, it was Ajar Felon. He was dressed in all black. His black shirt cling to all the right places of his upper body. I couldn't help but feel this urge.. this urge to want to kiss him as soon as our eyes made contact. Ajar and I stood there, staring at each other in that moment. A moment that felt like an eternity and for some unbelievable reasonable moment.. I think he felt it too. As I can feel Sasha's and Tori's stares on me; Sasha clears her throat and moves me sightly to the left, making room for Ajar to pass "Sorry, she usually doesn't space out like this." Ajar, who is still looking at me breaks the connection to look at Sasha ".. Whatever." and makes his way pass us. While Sasha collects herself, Tori spoke up "Okay. Don't mean to sound like I read something from the twilight zone. But that was super creepy." I looked at her, wanting to say something but couldn't make out the words. Which part exactly did she find creepy? The part, where he showed up? Or, was it the part where I felt for the first time I felt like kissing someone that wasn't Seth?.. Of course, I didn't say that out loud. I was already creep out enough as it was, with me wanting to kiss the bad boy and all.

Trying to focus my attention to what Mr. Webber was teaching in class, I was still thinking about Ajar. It was the first time I felt like I was being sucked into this invisible force. Something I can't explain. Biting down on my pen nervously; I heard my name "Ms. Lynn?" I was finally able to bring back my thoughts to planet earth, and missed the question that was asked "I'm sorry. What was the question?" Mr. Webber sighs "Ms. Lynn, what I hate more then kids not paying attention; is kids who makes me repeat myself." I look around class, where I felt every eye staring at me. Slowly lowering myself down in my seat, I softly let out a sorry. Mr. Webber shakes his head in disapproval "Don't make it happen again." I nod. And the bell rang. Everyone gathered up their stuff and made their way outside of the classroom.

Great. Just flipping freaking great! Not only was Ajar in my head but he was making me mess up in class too. Ugh! I can feel this day already turning out to be a bust.

Lunch time rolls around, and I wanted nothing but to be alone right now. I wasn't feeling up to talking to anyone let alone being around them as well. I wasn't feeling myself, so I made my way to the backstair case where a lot of people don't know exist. When I got there, Ajar Felon was sitting in my spot and I let out a more of frustrated attitude then I wanted "You've gotta be fucking kidding me." Ajar notices the frustration in my voice and smiles "Well nice to see you too." he says.

I can feel him mocking me "I didn't know anyone knew about here." Ajar looks at me, like if he's suppose to care "Well neither did I." I felt this wasn't going to be a conversation of who was here first and who gets to leave. So, I wasn't sure what to talk about in this moment. I stare at him, and there it was again. This feeling when I see him. Like I'm being pulled to him. I never use to feel this way before with him. Why now?

Ajar looks at me and gets up. Slowly walking towards me. Before I knew it, we were only about 2 inches from each other. His hand traveled to my cheek and he says in a soft whisper "You feel it too, don't you?" my mind was starting to feel fuzzy. I wasn't sure if it was just his cologne or just the fact he was this close to me. Close to where I can feel his touch. I close my eyes, responding back in a hush tone "What is this feeling.. Ajar Felon?" I feel his other hand travel up my right arm, as I feel the space between us closing. His voice goes hush "I don't know.. For some reason. I'm drawn to you. I wasn't feeling this way before today.." and that's when I opened my eyes and pushed him away "Before today?.." He looks at me. I can see he is just as lost as I am. We both didn't know what was going on. I've literally spent as long as I can remember pining after Seth Kingston. And now, I'm feeling this whole new connection with Ajar Felon, and I have no idea where it's coming from. In all honesty, I still like Seth. But what I was feeling for Ajar wasn't making any sense.

What was even more weird, was that we both feel it. And we both wasn't feeling this way before today..

What the heck was going on?..