POV Fiona: I Know Something’s Up

I'm home, it's dinner. I'm at the table playing with my green peas that's laying on my plate, as my parents gives each other death glares across the table. Usually, I pay more attention to this and try to break the tension that's in the air but this time.. my mind was somewhere else.

I know what I felt, why was he making it seem it was dangerous to get close to him? Why make it seem crazy to even stay in the same space with each other?

My mind is in deep thoughts as my dad specks to my mom "I'm just saying, If Fiona feels she wants to go away to college, that's out of state. Let her. It's her choice." my mom fires back "Oh that's just rich coming from you, Jerry. Have you forgotten who is the only one working? I'm sure Fiona is considering staying. Right here, New York. Isn't that right Fiona?"

I'm finally caught up in the conversation. We were talking about college. I was only a sophomore.. I literally had two years under my belt to consider my options. But, I was never considering staying in New York. And the fact that mom think I was, meant that she only gives the thought of me leaving less thought then dad's work ethics.

I look to her "Umm, I haven't thought about it. I still have two years. I'm not in a hurry to choose where I go yet.." mom sighs "It doesn't matter if you only got two years." she starts cleaning up the table, while dad get's up to do what he usually does. Watch the game.

As I'm hearing the sounds of dishes getting cleaned and put away. She continues the conversation from the kitchen "You should really consider your options now. Two years goes by very quickly. You shouldn't waste time. Colleges in New York are very complex with their deadlines."

How do you tell your mom, that you aren't thinking of staying in New York to do College?

Answer? I didn't.

I nod.

"Okay mom. I'll consider them now. I just want to weigh my options, and see if I get a scholarship or full ride first." I mumble under my breathe "Because there are outter options I am considering as well." Mom yells from the kitchen "I'm sorry sweetie. What did you say?" I quickly recover "Nothing mom! I'm going up to my room."

I went up the stairs and up to my bedroom, to do some major reflecting and thinking. I feel today was just more then I can chew. First, it was this morning with my mom and dad fighting. Second, it was Ajar. Third, it's mom talking about college, thinking I'll stay in New York, having mom and dad fighting to come to an agreement.


I was getting sick of everything. I wanted to have fun for once. Get noticed for once!

My cell phone rings as I'm standing by my bedroom door. I walked over to check the caller I.D and it looks like one of my friends seemed to have read my mind.

"Hey, Sasha. What's up?" I could hear her excitement "Girl, you better put on your most sexiest outfit and heels because we are going clubbing tonight." I sighed over the phone. Sometimes I feel Sasha forgets how old we are "How are we going to go clubbing, Sasha? We're not even eighteen yet." I felt she was smiling over the phone because something told me she had everything already handled "Well, no need to worry about that. Turns out, there is this guy that likes me and his brother is the club owner. I don't know much about him but when I heard he liked me, let's just say 'I took advantage of it' Pluuuusss, he is super sexy. So, I might actually go out with him." I sighed over the phone, I knew I said I wanted to have fun. But did I really want to use this guy and be at the risk of getting arrested for being underage?

"Sasha, I get you want to go out and all. But can you reconsider for a second, all the possibilities of the things that could go wrong tonight?" she giggles over the phone "Girl, come on. Put away your straight A student cape tonight and just come have fun. Forget about the responsibilities, forget about being underage, forget about high school, and forget about all the drama of college that every parent puts on us." I was starting to see her point actually. Forgetting about being a responsibly teen did seem nice and less stressful.

"Tonight, let's just make it all about fun and just having a good time. Okay?" I really did want to let loose and just have fun.. And what's the worst thing that could happen really? Sasha seemed to have had the big thing figured out anyway. Our passage into the club. If anything else, I felt that would be the only problem honestly. But if she had already gotten passage for us.. What really could go wrong?..

"Okay fine. ONLY for tonight." I sighed "I don't want to go giving you any funny ideas of making this a friendly habit." she laughs over the phone as I walk towards my closet to figure out, what exactly I should wear "Girl, I been made a habit of it. We leave in two hours. I hear the closer to midnight, the hotter the dance floor." sightly smiling over the phone, I knew exactly what she meant "Don't you have that guy to worry about. You know, the one that got us in, in the first place. The super sexy guy?" As feeling she got smacked in the face, she laughs "Obviously! How could I forget a guy like that. He's going to be the only thing 'hot' on the dance floor for me."

Shaking my head, I pulled out a low cut red dress "What do you think about red and do you even know his name?" I felt she considered this question "Red is sexy, so go with it and I'm not sure what's his name. I hear he goes by 'X'. So that's what I call him." throwing my dress on my bed replying back while throw my heels in a panic motion "Are you telling me, you got us a invite from a guy- WHOSE NAME YOU DON'T EVEN KNOW?" I can tell she probably moved the phone a little from her ears. Because if it was me, I would. "How could you be so reckless?" I say angrily, like I'm suppose to be surprise. What did I expect? For her to have this all figured out?

"Relax Fiona! I met the guy. How else would I have gotten the invitations? I told you, I found out he liked me and took advantage. He's actually a simple, chill back guy. Just because he's sexy, doesn't mean he's dangerous. Don't worry about it." The fact, she's telling me don't worry, is giving me all the reasons I should. I look over to my dressing table, where my electric gun was laying. I was only three seconds away, considering taking it with me, but if I did that.. Sasha would think I didn't believe she had everything under control.

But this is Sasha we're talking about. If anything else, I might actually need that gun if something did happen.

I walk over to the dressing table "Okay, fine. Your Sasha the great. You got this." grabbing the electric gun, I shoved it into my red purse only betraying what I told Sasha. As much as I love and adore her sense of passion. My dad always made it clear to me, to always follow my gut feeling no matter what. And my gut is telling to go and have fun but make sure I have that electric gun!

"Okay, gotta go. If I'm gonna get ready for this thing, I can't be on the phone."

"Okay. Dress sexy!" and she hangs up.

Two hours passed, and I was ready. My hair was perfectly curled with a natural tone make-up, to highlight my best features. I went to the mirror to have one last look at myself. Only to end up smiling; I actually looked beautiful. Stunning even.

As midnight was rolling around, I gathered my purse with my electric gun in it, with my cellphone in my hand and head downstairs. When I got down, I was greeted by my dad "Do you have your electric gun?" I smiled "Of course, I have it Dad. I'm going with Sasha." My dad laughed, only knowing what I meant. My dad loved Sasha like she was his own daughter, but he knew very well Sasha wasn't the most responsible.

Giving my dad a big hug, he lets go to look at me "Call me. I need to know your safe going and coming, okay?" I laughed. If only I had a dime for every time dad acted like mom, I would be rich. It makes me sometimes feel hope that they would work through their problems and not get a divorce; since that was now common for married couples when the husbands lost their jobs.

But before I could cry over it, a knock came to the door, to only hear Sasha at the other end "Little, Princess Fiona. Your best maiden is here." laughing, I went to open the door and saw her smiling face. She was dressed in gold with her hair perfectly slicked up, only complimenting the well defined makeup that was done. No doubt that it wasn't done by her.

She bounced inside "Oh my god, Fiona. You look absolutely gorgeous!" if that was coming from Sasha, that's how you know for a fact I did an amazing job. I smiled, hugging her only to see a car behind her. It was a nice yellow sports car; letting her go questionably "I know that's not your car, so who is it?" dad left us alone, while I asked a very concerned question. Before she can reply, a guy steps out and smiles "Hey, I'm X. Didn't mean to scare you, thought I would give you guys a lift since we're all going the same place."

X was highly sexy. He was dressed in a very casual suit, that tightened in all the right places. I can see why Sasha was attracted to him. He totally matched her style. She was pretty and he was sexy. A prefect matched made.

Sasha and I walked towards X "Yeah.. sorry. You didn't really scare me.. more like, you surprised me. Sasha didn't mention we were getting a ride." I looked to X nervously but I knew Sasha was feeling my glare because she hurriedly got us in the car and had us on our way.

The car ride was pretty still and quiet. I wasn't planning to make conversation with a guy I didn't know and I was feeling Sasha was feeling uneasy with the awkward atmosphere "So, X. What you think about my friend, Fiona?" X looked in his review mirror to look at me "I think she's quiet." I rolled my eyes. That was also coming from the guy who was quiet himself. Sexy was nice and all but I still didn't like the fact Sasha kept away the fact he was our ride. I glared daggers at him "That's funny. I thought being quiet was a good thing. Since you are the driver and all. I would prefer not to cause an accident." he laughs while Sasha turned to glare at me "Easy Fiona. Just trying to make conversation. I can feel you don't like me being your ride." I smiled "Oh really? What gave it away?" Sasha quickly jumped in laughing as my sarcastic attitude was becoming more obvious "Ha! Isn't she just funny? She is just so nice and always giving people a chance, without judgement." putting the emphasis on 'judgement.'

I can see Sasha, was really trying to get in with this guy. It was cool of him to get us in the club tonight but that didn't mean I had to like him or be his friend. Whoever Sasha wanted to hang with, was up to her but I refuse to be part of the deal. She knew I didn't like him being our ride and knowing where I lived. Where we lived.

"I just want to have fun tonight X. And honestly, It's nothing personal. Just would prefer we don't act like we are long lost friends." Sasha got mad "Fiona!" I looked at her "Not cool. I told you he is chill. So chill." X only smiled "Hey. I get it. I'm not looking to be your friend either. I was only being nice. I'm not going to take it personally. All is good." he keeps his eyes on the road "Good to know there is an understatement."

Silence calmly creep back into the car, as we passed multiple stores and malls on our way. I could feel Sasha was silently cussing at herself for the turn out and she should! I didn't ask for a surprise guest nor did I ask for a ride from a complete stranger. I didn't care if he went to the same school as us. A guy that drove a car like this, with rims that cost more then a house. Was always going to be a suspicious person to me. He felt creepy and weird to me. Like besides the cost of this car.. It felt like he had more to hide. His vibe was selective, he was being careful. I could sense it but the question was why?