Chapter 17

We got to work as early as possible on Monday morning and had a very quick sex on his table before the others arrival.

When Jada came across me, she was shocked and her reaction reminded me of what happened in front of her last week friday and I knew I had to do something before she started spreading shit about me the way she does.

I counted the second until the client that was with Jason was gone and went straight inside his office without even knocking

"Lexi, how may I help you?" He asked professional

"Jada! It's about Jada"

"What is about her?"

"She saw what happened. She saw us"

"And you're worried?" He smirked

"Who wouldn't be? Of course, I am"

"Stop panicking, I gat it under control"

"Did you threaten her?"

"For God sake, she is my assistant. She knows almost everything about me. Don't worry, your secret is safe with her. Our secret is safe with her"

'Our' did he just said 'our'. OMG! Our secret is safe with her