Chapter 35

"Jason" I called "We need to talk"

"Give me five minutes"

"Like we need to talk now!"

He dropped the file he was going through and looked straight into my eyes

"Babe, what is wrong?" He asked worriedly

"Mama is dead"

"Mama? Mama? I don't get it"

"Mama, my sister's dog. The one I told you about"

"Oh! I'm sorry"

"That's not the problem"

"What's the problem babe?"

"He was stabbed and a message was written on him. It was the exact statement the lady I told you about said to me"

"You mean the lady at the club?"

"Exactly. She told me she isn't going to be nice with me the next time we meet and that was what was written on Mama"

He got out of his seat and came to where I was standing

"Nothing will happen to you as long as you are with me and don't worry about her, I'm going to find her and bring her to you myself"

Jason tripled the security guards that same day and the CCTV cameras the next day.