
Few months later

It was a Friday, I was home watching a movie when my phone rang, it was Cynthia

"Hello" I Said when I picked up the phone

"Tell your guards to let me in" she said angrily into the phone

"Okay" I hung up the phone and dialled one of their numbers

After the incident that happened few months back, Jason have been super careful about who come into our house and who we make friends with because of how Stephanie and Dixie almost ruined our lives

"You should do something about all these guards with AK 47 moving up and down your house" Cynthia said angrily as soon as she stepped into the sitting room "They freaks me out Everytime"

"You're free to table it to Jason" I smiled because I knew there was no way she was doing that "And if I may ask you young lady, why are you not at work at this particular time of the day?"

"Because I called in sick" she said as she sat on a couch that was facing me