
chapter 7| Cas


All. I. Could. Hear. Was Noise.

When Hibi left I spent fifteen minutes pacing the room, convincing myself that she'd be fine. I got into the bed (which could've been compared to concrete). I had managed to get a few minutes of rest until I was abruptly woken up by the sound of laughter below me.

At first, I blocked it out and tried to go back to sleep but more laughter echoed through the thin wooden floorboards. The laughter was then followed by voices talking, music playing, the colliding of glasses and lots and lots of dancing.

I soon came to the realization that a good nights rest would not reach me tonight and sat up.

Only when I was hunched over the blankets with my hair hanging into my face did I realise how truly and utterly exhausted I was. The last time I'd gotten even a wink of sleep was approximately forty-eight hours ago....when I was still in my warm bed surrounded by thousands of blankets and furs.