Chapter 10

-The Best Weekend Ever-

Yesterday I fell asleep until very late and the noise of my phone interrupts my dreams, it's a call but I can hardly wake up, I complain and run my hand around the piece of furniture next to my bed in search of my phone, when I found it I only answered without knowing who is.

—Hello?— I say sleepy

—Hey Sarah, I'm Chris—I rub my eyes with my hands and sit on the bed—. I'm sorry for calling you so early but I wanted to know at what time I pick you?— What the hell is wrong with him? We had already agreed that at 7:30 PM, what will be the real purpose of this call?

—At 7:30, didn't I already told you?—I say a little cold

—Yeah mm...well... I really wanted wanted to tell you…well ask you if...— he hesitates—, Do you want to come with me for my swimming classes? Then we can go to eat at my house and finally to the amusement park. What do you think?—asks a little nervous

—Okay but at what time?— I ask a little more awake.

—Can I pick you up in 1 hour?

—Sure— I smile slightly.

—Well, see you— he laughs briefly.

—See you—I hang up as I leave my phone on the I stay a while longer in my bed analyzing the situation that just happened.

Then I get out of bed to go take a shower, later I choose the clothes that I will wear, it took me about 10 minutes to choose and even so I'm not so convinced of what I will wear, I combed my hair leaving my hair with small waves at the end, I put on makeup choosing a matte red color for my lips, nude shades, a mask to lengthen my eyelashes and a thick liner. I hope I don't look too exaggerate but it's the least I can do, look presentable and above all, pretty, well at least I hope that last one.

I go downstairs to take my breakfast and after 20 minutes Chris sends me a message.

I'm about to arrive give me few minutes

—Are you going out so early?—Asks my mom

—Yes, I don't know at what time I'll be back, I'll let you know, bye mom—I say closing the door meanwhile Chris has already arrived, gets out of the car to open the door for me on the other side, we greet each other and smile.

I must admit that I'm excited at the thought of seeing Chris swim and spend the rest of the day with him, if they had told me earlier I would make laugh of it.

—Take a seat, you can see me from here—he indicates a place to sit, I nod without knowing what else to do or say I just sit down and gave him a slight smile.

He go to change and comes out in a bathing suit to start the class and the exercises, when I see him I am puzzled, I can't believe I like what I see, he looks so…. No Sarah! Don't think about it anymore, focus, he's just your friend….but he looks so handsome in that red swimsuit, so intense, good body….Oh shit I have to stop!

When he comes out of the pool he looks too good, that hair, his torso into which the drops of water fall and the way he dries… .What's happening to me? Why do I feel this way?

I decide to look other place but he approaches me. Damn! What I will do? I surely will be super nervous to have him close...shirtless.

—Well, what do you think?— He says drying his hair with the towel.

I can't concentrate I just stare at with

—Oh...Ye... Yes...— I clear my throat—, You did it very good— I say hesitantly.

Great! I can't hide my nervousness.

—Wait here I will go to change and then we can go eat something—he winks at me and I nod.

He walks away taking his things. I can't stop thinking, his body is really… cool? If you we say it like that but I know very well that that's not the word I thought.

It takes a few minutes and finally he comes back.

—Do you want to come to my house to go eat? I want you to introduce you my mother—What?! Now? If there is something that has made me more nervous (in addition to other things) is meeting someone else's parents, I have to make a good impression.

—Yes, I'd like to—I say, smiling and he does too.

Follow him to the parking lot, we get in the car and he drives to his house, turn on the music and the song "Sun Goes Down-Bruno Martini ft. Isadora" is played, that song inspired me to know that this will be an awesome day.

We arrived at Chris's house, it's very nice and big one. We got off the car, he open the door of his house and made a hand gesture to let me enter first.

—Thanks—I say as soon as I enter. I like this big and fresh space, the living room is wide with a beautiful brown color with very elegant frames, the windows have a great view towards the garden, on the other side it's a very beautiful kitchen that combine with the living room and on the corner there are the wooden stairs. Looks pretty nice.

—You have a beautiful house—I say still looking.

—Thank you—says while he looks at me.

—Chris? It's that you?—Says a female voice.

—Yes, it's me mom—Chris answers as she comes downstairs and approaches where we are—.This is my friend Sarah, Sarah, she's my mother—Chris introduce us—

—It's very nice to meet you Sarah—says smiling at the same time that extends her hand

—Nice to meet you too—I smile shaking her hand

—Come here Sarah, joins us for take our lunch—says her mom with sweetness

—Sure, thank you—she walk in front of us showing the way for follow her.

Chris places a hand in the lower part of my back and I turn startled. I think he doesn't have the slightest idea of the emotions he make me feel doing that contact.

—Go with my mother, I'll be right back, I have go to leave my things and change, I won't take long— he leaves and removes his hand from my back.

I nod smiling slightly.

—Sarah, over here—Chris's mother says and I follow her until we arrive to the dining room—.Take a seat, they we will bring us the food soon—I wish that in my house we also had someone who brings us the food; my house it's also big but even though my mom doesn't wants to hire someone, she still enjoying cooking for us—. And tell me Sarah, what you are exactly of Chris?—Inquires

—What am I? I'm his friend only—I say laughing nervous

—And since how long ago did you know each other?—Interrogates

—Not much, since 2 or 3 months ago

—Really? So few time?—she laughs sightly—. He talks a lot about you, you know?—says Chris mom cheerfully.

—Really?—I exclaimed amazedly

—Yes, he's always saying I will go out with a friend, I will go here, I will invite a friend and things like those, until I asked him, Who's that friend that you go out and talk until late?—we both laugh finally, I never imagine Chris talk about me.

—I hope you don't mind that we hang up very often—she laughs and makes a gesture indicating that it doesn't matters

—No at all, all the contrary I like to see Chris getting out—smiles slightly remembering moments of the past—, It's a good time, I've not seen him getting out for long time ago. I was worrying about him, my son got a big depression even if he wants to deny it—she said a bit nope.

—What do you mean? Was he locked up?—ask confused.

—When Chris came home from school, he hardly ever greeted me and locked himself in his room, there were days when he didn't wanted to eat or go out to much...

—Why?—I say interrupting her

—Well, I'll tell you something—she approaches looking everywhere to see if Chris is not coming—. He used to date a very pretty girl, her name was Ann, they used to hang out all the time and they were dating about 6 months until one day she invited him to her house and cheated on his face, she got a new boyfriend. She was the first girl in Chris's life so that hurt him, since then he went through a difficult duel, it took a long time for him for go out. I'm glad that this girl end the relationship with Chris, she was a very bad influence on my son, I told him but always ignored me. I'm sorry I tell you all this because I see in you many things that give me confidence and trust, so I wanted you to know but promise me you won't tell my son that I told you all this.

—No Mrs. Miller of course not, thanks for trusting me—we smiled and at that moment Chris arrives

—And what you were talking about while I was not here?—He sits next to me

—I was telling Sarah all the mischievous things you did when you were a little kid—says his mom and we looked at each other, both laughing at the same time, at that moment Chris looks at me, but why will he? It's something that I still don't understand, I have nothing in particular for someone to notice me—. Just kidding Chris, I was asking Sarah how you met—says his mother interrupting my thoughts.

—Well, as I was saying, we met on School, a friend and I we were punished for talking in the hallways and being late for classes—I laugh briefly—, Then Chris also came to detention—I said looking at the mentioned person and when I did he was already doing it.

—Yes, in detention I met Sarah and her best friend, Zoey—he heads towards his mom so takes his eyes off mine.

—Now I see why you get along so well, rebels guys—She says at the same time Chris and I laugh.

When we finish eating, it's like 5 PM, we spend a good time talking.

—See you soon Mrs. Miller, thank you for the food and it was a pleasure to have met you—I gave her a sweet smile

—I enjoy the time we spent Sarah, was also a pleasure to meet you, see you later—she also gives me a friendly smile

We said goodbye then I get into the car, Chris closes my door, gets on the other side and drives towards "Coney Island", on the road we literally hear music all the time. It's another thing I like about Chris, he likes music as much as I do, I just can't live without it.

The ride was long but I wasn't bored because we were talking, singing and laughing, we arrived at the amusement park at around 7 PM almost at the same time that we had agreed to leave.

I'm very excited, this will be fun.

—So what do you want to do first?—Chris asks a little hesitantly.

—First you have to buy the tickets and then we see what to do, okay?—I propose that idea kindly

—Sure, let's go— he says as we go to buy the tickets, then he takes me by the hand and says something to me but I don't hear him because of the loud music so in this type of situations you have to scream like a crazy to say something.

—WHAT?—I yell as the same time I giggled, I'm not the type of person who yells at someone but I have to do it now so he can hear what I say.

—ARE YOU READY?—he asks

—IS IT A JOKE? OF COURSE I AM!—smiles and he takes my hand as the same time we run to different games

We go to a lot typical fair games and an amusement park, different mechanical games that we literally don't get separate, we eat cotton candy while we move away from the music and the whole environment to be able to speak better.

—I'm having a great time, Sarah. What about you?— asks Chris

—Yes, me too—we smiled together then he gets closer and closer, the distance between us it's necessary for kiss but I step back

—Let's go to the Wonder wheel, the lights looks great, let's go before we leave—I say a little nervous for some reason that I don't know

—Yes, of course—he says a little disappointed but then he cheer up and show me his beautiful smile, takes my hand and we run towards the wonder wheel.

I also wanted to kiss him but then I regretted it for some reason, it was a strange feeling. I'm a completely fool!

Everything from above it looks sensational, the lights, landscape, river, games, the night, everything is perfect, when we get up we can talk for a while without the need to scream.

—And tell me Sarah, do you have a boyfriend?—Asks curious

—Me?—I say with irony—, Of course not, neither now nor before—I laugh nervously but it's true I'm completely single

—Wow! I thought you would have a long list—we laughed together

—Absolutely no—I pause briefly—. What about you... do you have a girlfriend?—I ask, although I already know the answer.

—No, I just finished a relative, a year ago since then I haven't dated anyone else—he shrugs as if it wasn't as delicate a topic as I know it actually is—. I think it was the best decision, can I tell you about it?—hesitates for a few seconds and finally speaks

—Sure, if you wanna—I say smiling slightly.

—Well...her name was Ann and...—he make a pause. Of course she's the girl her mother told me about, I already know the story but I still want him to feel confident towards me so I listen carefully—. She was a rebel girl, drug addict, a lot tattoos, she was always on her motorcycle and on the street with her friends all the time, I don't know how I could notice her. One day she told me to try the drugs that I would feel liberated of all my problems and escape from reality but I refused, we fought and the days passed she wrote me a message saying that she felt very sorry for having fought with me that she wanted to fix things, so I went to her house, when I arrived, she was already with someone else, they were in bed...—he sighs making a pause—, She say to me many things like I was a coward, trash, nothing compared to her new guy, they both made fun of me and I left there.

—Chris...You didn't have to tell me all that...—I put my hand on his

—Don't worry, I wanted to do it. My mother worried about me, I told her some things but not everything as I told you...—he takes my hands in his and approaches—. You can trust in me Sarah as I did in you.

—Thank you Chris, you can trust me at any time anyway— we stared for a long time until the game ended and then we continue hanging out in the park then we see that it's 11:00 PM, wow! We spend a lot of time together.

Chris drives on the way to my house, the landscape of the road is beautiful, with the atmosphere, the music, everything is perfect.

—Sarah?—I hear Chris's voice—, Wake up, we already arrive to your house.

—What?—I open my eyes suddenly. Did I fall asleep? When this happened?

—Come on, I'll go with you—he gets out of the car and opens the door for me—. I hope your parents don't get mad—says a little worried

—I don't think so— I say not taking to much important about it.

—Anyway, if you don't mind, I'll come to your house to talk to your parents—he offers kindly and I just nod.

I open the door and my parents are in the room, I hope they don't get mad.

—Sarah, why you arrive so late? We were worried about you— says my father

—Sorry it was my fault, we didn't see the time, so we left "Coney Island" late—Chris says.

—It's okay, thanks for bringing our daughter—says my mom

—It's nothing, see you soon, nice to meet you. Bye Sarah, see you tomorrow

—Goodbye Chris—he leaves and I close the door

—Next time don't be so late—says my father as he go with my mother to their room and I go to mine.

I put my things down and change to sleep.

I finally sigh, despite everything it was a great weekend, the best for me.

I realize that it's already 1:00 AM and I decide to sleep, tomorrow will be a good day, I want to tell everything to Zoey, she will die of enthusiasm when I tell her that I was with Chris all day.