Auria sighed for the umpteenth time.
The tutor was busy writing down on the board the lesson about the quadrants. Frankly speaking, the lesson has already been ingrained on her by Leo and her grandfather so to be listening to this again was really too much for a young girl like her.
She huffed in frustration. She was just ten years of age. She knew that she was expected to rule in her grandfather’s stead when the time comes so there are a lot of things that she needs to do and learn. But even a girl like her needed a break.
The only bright time for her was when she had her training with her Uncle Leo. Every morning, before her morning lessons, she would learn the use of different weapons. She might be ten but her sturdy arms can wield a bow ten times her weight. She favors the bow and arrow with the katana, a sword introduced by her uncle when they were in a different world. On her tenth birthday, her uncle gifted her with one and she had been training very hard to master its use along with a kunai.
Her uncle would regale her of his tales of adventure that he had when he was still on this foreign world and she would listen with awestruck eyes. Her uncle Leo would tell her the stories about her mother and what made her into the most glorious queen. She found out that she looked more like her father except for the eyes. They were as clear as the green grass of Earth as her uncle would say. She would giggle whenever her uncle would refer to the times when the queen would spar with the king and the knights. The stories will be filled with her mother showing what a wonderful warrior queen she was until she became pregnant. Upon the imminent birth of the young heiress, the queen stopped her heathen ways and focused on taking care of the kingdom. Until she was betrayed by one who was supposed to be close to them.
All of this, she absorbed in her young mind. She craved any story that would bring her closer to her dead mother and understand what her duty entails. Not that she takes those things seriously. She knew her duty as a princess. She just finds it too boring beyond words.
She reminisced the times where she had to train blindfolded. It was very challenging and she longed to be out of the training field. Anything than being cooped up in this room with her tutor.
“The main quadrant, the warrior section, holds castle Durin as its citadel.” Her tutor droned on, uncaring if her young charge was listening or not. Auria sighed audibly. She knew that she should learn about her people, how they lived and what should be done to protect them properly. But wouldn’t it make more sense to meet them properly instead of just learning about them from books?
“Listen very carefully, princess. Our section, the warriors, are the ones sought after to train the defenders of the different quadrants. Some are even drafted to be a part of our section. We are considered the highest, the most elite and the strongest section. It is considered an honor to be chosen to be trained by the Illuvian knights which I am sure you have experienced first-hand.” The tutor smiled at the princess. She pitied the young girl. The young princess who grew up without a mother to guide her. The people of Illumia adorned the little girl. Unbeknownst to the girl, all the leaders are made aware of her importance to the kingdom. There are already talks of forming marriage contracts with her but so far King Lucius has just laughed at them. His granddaughter will not be wed to anyone not approved by the king himself. But will she have a choice?
Lady Gwynn was aware that her young charge was not listening. She is really too young to be locked inside this gilded castle. An idea formed in her mind. Maybe it is time for a little field trip.
“As it happens, dear princess, we will be visiting a section of warrior houses nearby. I hope you are prepared.”
The young princess perked up as the thought of visiting the warrior houses outside the castle walls. Since her grandfather and uncle would be busy with preparations for the festivities this evening, then this would be the only time that she could roam around the grounds without them spoiling her fun.
Acting docile like was something that she was good at. She changed her clothes to normal daytime clothing, her raven hair plaited in a French braid. She wore her black woodsman cloak and soon, she and her tutor were walking towards the castle gates. She hid her katana underneath her cloak and her kunai inside her boots. Thinking that this expedition might be a training exercise, she equipped her weapons secretly. Thania and Mildred, her small handmaidens accompanied them.
Since they were dressed unobtrusively, they were allowed to pass by the soldiers. Some only gave them a cursory glance before resuming their stance. A shadow detached from the walls and started following them.
As they walked down the busy streets, Lady Gwynn pointed out the stalls that have significant contribution to the economy of Illumia. Thania, Mildred and Auria looked at each other and smiled impishly. Mildred gestured secretly and another girl joined the group, dressed similarly as Auria.
Auria then stepped away from the group and slipped behind one of the canopies. She noted where her companions were and she added her essence to Mildred’s friend so that Lady Gwynn won’t find out. She then started her own strolling down the paths.
The warriors were loitering in every corner. Some were busy talking to maidens, trying to get them to go with them. Some were helping older men and women while they were peddling their wares at the sidewalk. Children were running to and fro, seemingly happy with the way the kingdom is being managed.
Auria smiled at the people passing by. This was the first time she saw how the people were interacting outside the castle gates. It was busy but there was the element of warmth that each individual was showing. She liked the ambience very much.
As she rounded the corner, her eyes widened as she saw a group of boys crowding or more like surrounding someone in the middle. The girls were cowering at the side as tears were falling down their faces but she moved forward when she heard their plea.
“Please stop it. Don’t hurt him.” The girls implored but the boys ignored them, fueled by the taunting coming from the teens standing nearby.
“What is going on here?” Auria demanded as she stood in her full height and glared at the boys.