Auria looked at Isabelle.
She was quite a lovely woman. Judging by the way she moves, she could be older than Auria by a year or two. Maybe as old as Thania or Mildred. It was a little bit bizarre that she seemed to look almost like most Illuvians physically but her manner and speech was dead giveaway.
Isabelle moved forward and breathed the air deeply. She acted that she was locked up in the room for a very long time.
“Whoa, the scenery here looks like a dream. I really can’t believe I get to see this every morning. If only someone could leave the windows unlocked.” She belted out loud. Valen chuckled back in reply.
Auria decided to remain standing by the door while Lysander leaned by the railings of the balcony. They looked at the young woman as she continued to look at the wide area of the kingdom.
She was standing straight as she surveyed the area but then her shoulders slumped.
“I guess I’m not in Kansas anymore.” She muttered underneath her breath.