We've been talking in the car for close to 20 minutes. It was nice catching up. And somehow I was brought back to the old Liam, and old me. It was comfortable and familiar. Even with the engine off, the car was cool and hardly stuffy. Suddenly Liam took my hand. I looked up and smiled. He was looking at me with this weird look in his eyes. It was like he was looking for something on my face. It made me self-conscious, to have a handsome guy like Liam look at me that deeply.
"You look really gorgeous tonight. I mean, you've always looked really pretty, but now you're..I don't know. You look the same, but different, you know what I mean?" Liam said, echoing my thought. Which was pretty funny to me, so I chuckled. Liam frowned and looked questioningly at me. Thinking that I've offended him, I quickly interjected.