I am here now in my dorm. Preparing for my first day of class here in the academy. I looked in the mirror again to see if I looked okay.

Eyeglass? Check

Braces? Check

Uniform? Check

Knee-length skirt? Check

Brown fake skin? Check

Black knee-length socks? Check

Contact lense? Check

Messy hair? Check


Now I'm ready to go. It turns out that I should be in the dorm when I remember something. I just forgot to wear my Orvix. If you look at it, it is just an ordinary bracelet but it's far from being normal just like me. It can hide things. The one that looks like Doraemon's pocket. The only difference between him and my bracelet pocket. Here are all my deadly weapons and other valuables. I just have to think of the weapon I want to release and hit the diamond in the middle then poof! I already have what I need.

Where did I get it? I did not take it or buy it. I made it myself and invented it. I am the only one who has this. Perks of being a genius. Because I was always lazy to carry a carrier so I invented the orvix.

I immediately left the dorm. Every time I passed by, he looked at me with disgust. All right, just look at me whenever you want as long as I don't know you.

'Who is she? She's so hot! Yuck! '

I'm not your mirror bitch!

'She doesn't belong here! She's so ugly! '

So what are you doing here?


'Ugly nerd!'

'Scary monster'

I have heard many bad comments from them but I just ignored them. Such a waste of time.

As I was walking I felt something approaching me from behind me. I did not avoid it so it hit the back of my head.

I heard the laughter of those who saw. I saw a rolling ball. It looks like the ball hit me.

I immediately turned around to see who did that.

"Who did that?!" I shouted

"Me! Gotta problem with that?" I immediately turned to the man who spoke

He has red hair, dark red eyes, proud straight nose, and red lips. I looked into his eyes and saw that he was also staring at me.

I do not know but I have a feeling inside me. I felt hot liquid dripping from my eyes. I immediately wiped my face and looked at what was dripping when I saw tears.

What's this? What's happening to me? Why the hell am I crying? Why?

I looked at the man who threw the ball at me. I saw him look away and walk away but I can't be wrong with what I saw. I see a tear fall in his left eye. I immediately shook my head and chased him.

"Hey! Won't you even apologize?!" I shouted and he turned to me

"Why would I do that? Who do you think you are?" he asked arrogantly

What an arrogant jerk! I immediately approached him and punched him in the face. I saw him sitting because I punched him. I heard all people gasp because of what I did.

He grabbed his face which I punched and quickly looked at me badly.

"What do you think you're doing?! Are you insane?! Don't you know me?! You fucking ugly nerd!" he shouted angrily at me and stood up. He was about to kick me when he was suddenly grabbed in the arm by his friends.

I don't fucking care arrogant jerk! What an asshole!

"Dude don't hit her she’s still a woman." his yellow-haired friend said

"We have something more important to do if you haven’t forgotten?" the man with the gray hair said

"Remember this you fucking ugly nerd we’re not yet done. You'll pay for this. Let's go" he said coldly and they left.

'How dare she punched my Prince Zachary? That bitch!'

'Prince Zachary's face got bruised! That ugly nerd! She would pay this big-time!'

Prince? As in a Royal Prince?! Shit! How can I be able to study quietly here?! I'm sure the fans of that arrogant prince will never leave me alone! It will definitely be a big mess again if ever. Argh! Why am I so hot-headed?! I need to talk to him! I need to resolve this as quickly as possible.

While walking, I receive only death glares from the students here.

After a while, they suddenly threw stones at me. But I just endured it, it didn't hurt that much, what I experienced before was even worse than this. Someone threw a hard object at me and hit my forehead. I feel blood dripping from my forehead into my eyes. So everything I see turned red. I can't feel anything. I did not feel any pain physically and emotionally. So what they’re doing is just useless. No one can ever hurt me. Well, what can I do? I'm already numb from all the pain. I can't feel anymore.

"You shameless bitch! How dare you punch Prince Zach?!”

"You have no right to touch Prince Zachary’s face with that dirty and disgusting hand of yours!"

Patience. I need more patience right now. I should not make a hasty decision that I’ll regret in the end. Do not lose your temper.

"You don't belong here! You're a freaking monster! You weakling ugly nerd!"

Now I've really had enough! I shook my hand because of what I heard. Call me whatever you want bitch, monster, freak but not weak. Yeah, I'm a short-tempered girl but what can I do? This is me and I will never change because I was not born just to please others.

Now you just wake up the demon inside me. We will have a game, my dear schoolmates. It's called DEATH GAME.

In this game, I'm the only one who can decide if you're going to live or not. I'm the predator and all of you are my prey. All of you are included in this game. There's no exception.

You are going to hide and I will be the one to find you. If I found you, you're going to die but if not you're going to live. But to give it a little thrill you'll not be aware of this game while me, I'm going to disguise myself as a weak ugly nerd. And when the right time comes I'll reveal myself to all of you and it also means you'll be going to see the demon within me. I promise to all of you, blood will scatter everywhere when that time comes.

It looks like staying in this damn school will not be boring like I thought. Thanks to that brats now it has a thrill. I'm going to teach all of you a lesson that you'll never forget. Don't you dare mess up with a dangerous woman named Akisha Raven Scott or else you'll see hell immediately.

I smiled because I was thinking. I'm excited. I can't wait to see more blood.

Looks like I won't be able to go to my first class on the first day. I'm lazy. I will just make the wound on my forehead an excuse. First I need to talk to that prince before the end of this day. I cleaned my wound then I decided to look for that arrogant man.

I need to act like a sweet and innocent girl for them to be convinced that I'm really weak. I also need to lower my aura. When I came out of the dorm I no longer saw too many people. The class has already started. Well, I'm a good kid so I'm going to cut on my classes.

I looked around fighting in case I saw that arrogant prince. I spent a few hours looking for that man but I still couldn't find him. Until I collided with something. I would have been ready to scold the one who hit me in case I thought of my plan to act as an innocent and kind woman.

Yuck! When I think about it I am having goosebumps. As in me? Akisha Raven Scott is kind and innocent? When I’m thinking of it I feel like I’m going to throw up because I’m the total opposite of that. I'm the true definition of a Demon.

I raised my head to see who had run into me. I was surprised to see who ran into me. Well, he is the only one I have been looking for. I saw that he gave me a death glare when he saw my face. If looks can kill I’m already dead.

"YOU! You're the bitch who punched me earlier!" he shouted angrily at me

I pretended to be scared because of what he said but the truth is I am not really afraid of him, not even a bit.

"U-Uhm, I'm really sorry for what I did earlier. I didn't know you were a prince because I grew up in the mortal world. I-I'm really sorry. I-I didn't mean to. Please forgive me I was wrong. I won't do it again" I said and pretend to stutter and scared

"I don't care about your fucking reasons bitch. The fact that you punched me earlier was unforgivable,” he said with a monotone voice.

"Forgive me, your highness! All I want is a peaceful life while I am here. I’ll do everything that you want just please forgive me." I begged as I pretended to be scared and anxious.

He fell silent after what I said. Then he suddenly smiled like a demon.

"Everything you say?" he asked

“Y-yes your highness," I said

"Then I want you to be my slave for 5 months," he said while grinning

"W-what?" I asked in shock

I was never born to be just a slave of other people!

"You don’t want to? Then ready to say goodbye to your peaceful stay here because I'll make your life miserable and not just me but all the students here" he said with a smirk and started to walk away.

What a blackmailer! Argh! I have no choice! I need to do this! I immediately chased him and touched his arm. Suddenly I felt something when our skins touched so I immediately let go of him. He turned to me with a smug face. I was urged to punch his face again when I saw the smug look on his face so I clench my fist to stop me from doing something that I’ll regret later on.

"Fine! I agree" I said defeatedly

"Good then. Tomorrow will be your first day my dear slave" he said while smirking

I want to erase that smile on his face! So annoying! He walked away again but he also stopped immediately.

"What's your name slave?" he asked that caught me off guard. I didn’t expect that he asked for my name.

"Akisha Raven Scott," I said

"I'm Ash Zachary Lockwood. Just call me Zachary or Zach and don't ever call me by my first name. By the way, it's nice meeting you Akisha" he said and p

I stared at him as he called me Akisha. Call me by all names what you want, not just my first name. It reminds me of the person I know who left me when I was young.

"Don't call me Akisha!" I told him

"And who are you to command your own master? I will call you the name I wanted. You're just my slave, remember?" he said

"Fine! Then I'll call you Ash" I said and he glared at me

"Don't you dare call me Ash!" he said annoyed

If I get annoyed, he should too. Now we can already call it quits

"Make me," I said

"You! Are you really testing my patience? You should follow me, I’m your master!" he said annoyed

"Bye Master ASH," I said and emphasized the word Ash and walked away.

When I got to the dorm I immediately went to bed. Too much happened on my first day. Tsk. I touched my cheek where the tears fell earlier. It has been a long time since tears came out of my eyes.

I do not know what happened to me earlier. All I know is that I had a strange feeling when our eyes met earlier just like when our skins made contact. I need to rest. I have a strong feeling that I need more strength to play tomorrow.



"KILL HER." a man ordered with a cold voice but mixed with anger at the creatures- Dark werewolves kneeling in front of him while he is sitting on a throne.

"As you wish, your highness," they said and suddenly it disappeared like a bubble

'Do you really think you can get away with what you've done? There's no one ever still able to breathe after messing up with me! No one!’ The man sitting on the throne said angrily in his mind while clenching his fists. His red eyes became more intense and dark.


When I woke up I immediately started to dress up. It's too early to go to class. I decided to go for a walk in the woods. I climbed to the top of the tree to hide when I felt someone following me.

I saw the man who had gray hair, he was one of the friends of my so-called MASTER.

I just watched him look around as if he was looking for something. I saw how he became pale when he saw a snake.

Hmm... It seems that we have someone here who is afraid of snakes. He immediately stepped back due to extreme fear.

Wrong move dude... Wrong move...

I saw how he turned paler when the snake quickly wrapped around his leg. I moved quickly towards him. He was surprised by my sudden appearance. Well, who wouldn’t? A girl suddenly jumped from the tree. Well, he should consider himself lucky today that I drop by here in the woods, or else he’s dead.

"Stop moving. The snake will wrap itself around you even tighter" I said and he followed

I quickly took the snake from coiling around him by holding it by its head. It quickly coiled around my arm. I looked the snake in the eye. The former aggressive snake has become calm.

"Let go of it before it bites you!" he said out of fear and give him a fake smile

"Don't worry. It won't hurt me" I said and laid my hand on the floor and the snake quickly crawled away.

I saw him breathe easily and sit down. He is too scared for a man and he is not just an ordinary man he has power. Does it not cross his mind that he could use his power on that snake? Tsk. I looked at one of his arms. Idiot.

I quickly took his left arm where there was a snake bite. He should be thankful that I’m pretending to be a kind and helpful nerd because if not? There’s no way in hell that I would help him. Even if he dies there, I will never help him. But here am I helping him for the sake of pretending as a nerd. So I have to stand by it.


He scolded me but I ignored him. I quickly sucked the poison on his body and then spat it out I immediately took the handkerchief from my pocket and tied it to his arms.

"Ask for medicine at the clinic. You know that healers can’t able to treat diseases or wounds that are not used with power."

I told him. As I spoke until I finished speaking he just stared at me as if I had two heads.

"Thank you," he said in an awed voice

"No problem," I said

I was about to walk away when he suddenly spoke

"Why?" he asked

"What why?" I ask in confusion

"Why? Why did you save me? You can leave me alone and let me die of poison but why did you choose to help me. I know you know that I was with the man you fought with yesterday. Shouldn't you also be angry with me because I am with the man you had fought? " he said

"Why? Are you the one who threw the ball at me? Are you the man I fought with? I'm not narrow-minded to be mad at you because first of all, you're not him." I said and walked away

I heard him call me but I did not look back. I need to attend my class. I did not enter yesterday so I need to enter today. I was about to go to my class today when suddenly a group of women appeared in front of me while their hands were on their waist.

I gasped inwardly.

It looks like I'm going to fight again for the second time. For Pete's sake couldn’t my day be better? What are the problem with the creatures here and they are so angry with me? Why couldn't they just leave me alone?