I was about to go to my dorm when I felt someone following me. I have been feeling them since I was just going to the library. That's why I disguised myself to avoid trouble temporarily but it looks like trouble is my twin. I immediately went to my dorm. I simply peeked out on the window. Many of them seem to make me fight. I removed my contact lens and my fake skin. I breathed a sigh of relief as I removed my disguise. I feel relieved to get rid of all the disguise I put on my body. I immediately opened my drawer and pulled out the secret compartment.

When I saw what was inside, my blood suddenly came to life. It's been a long time since I ever use it. Well, it's a dark red cloak that has a design of a black raven on the back of it. I quickly put it on and took my mask well its a gold mask that has a touch of silver on the edge. I quickly pressed my orvix and thought of the thing I wanted to get and in a flash, the thing that I needed was already in my hands.

Reaper. I smiled. I quickly grabbed my reaper. Reaper is the name of my katana. I'm so excited to see blood. I quickly passed by a place where they would not notice me. I quickly stood behind them. Of course, they will not notice me. I am an expert in hiding my presence. I approached a man just near where I was hiding. I quickly approached him and went behind him and quickly twisted his head. When he fell, his colleagues quickly looked at me. They looked down on me and quickly transformed from being a person to werewolves. The others remained in their human form. They growled at me.

Dark werewolves...

What is my fault that dark werewolves are following me? As far as I know, I have only been here a few days and I have not offend people other than that arrogant Prince Ash. The grass around me started to wither and turned into ashes as soon as I revealed my presence and took a step towards them. The other living creatures around here started to run away and hide. I saw the transformed werewolves retreat in fear. I smiled. They can feel my presence. Werewolves' senses are sharper than humans.

"It's too late to regret everything. Who are you? Why are you following that girl?" I asked

"Why do you even care? Who are you?" one of the werewolves in human form asked

They can't felt my presence because he's still in his human form but once he transformed into his werewolf form then he will feel the presence that I'm hiding.

"Well its also none of your business," I said

Of course, it is business because it's my life we're talking about! Dufus.

"Huh! You're too nosy! You're going to die now you bitch!!"

He rushed at me but I quickly dodged and went behind him and twisted his neck. As much as possible I do not want to use my reaper. I will play with them first for a moment.

They give me death glares. As if they can kill me if they glared at me.

They always start but I always avoid them without difficulty. Tsk. Weaklings. It looks like I won't enjoy playing with them so I'd better finish this. I'm getting bored. They are no fun. They have no thrill playmates. I thought I could fight but I was wrong they're just low lifeless creatures. Insects and weaklings like them were not worth living.

I quickly grabbed my katana from its pouch behind me. They rushed at me at the same time but I quickly jumped to the back and cut them in two at once. They turned to ashes as soon as they fell.

I looked at another remnant who looked like his tail had split. He suddenly sat down because he saw what I did to his colleagues. He suddenly backed away while sitting.

I smiled because I could clearly see the fear in his eyes. That's how scared you are eh? My body feels joy and excitement every time I see fears in the faces of my prey before I totally end their useless lives. That only added to my desire to end their lives.

"Y-youu! Y-you're a demon!!" he said stuttering

I laughed because of what he had said. I am tired of such lines every time someone sees me when I put an end to someone else's lives.

"I already know that," I said while smiling and quickly beheaded him

His blood even spilled on my body. I saw in my katana the fresh blood of those I had killed recently. I felt longing and desire to see more blood.

I wanted more blood.. More.. More... Blood... Blood...

I hurried to the road where the werewolves had run earlier. Eventually, I went in front of them. They stopped. Earlier while they were in human form they were so brave and now they are like puppies with a split tail.

Sorry but not sorry no one will make it out alive. The blood of their companions was not enough to make me happy. I'm not yet satisfied. I need more.

"You're not going anywhere," I said coldly

They quickly jumped towards me. But before they could finally get close, I cut them with my katana.

They all fell to the floor and returned to their human form and gradually turned to ashes. I hurried back to my dorm and made sure no one saw me. I quickly went to the bathroom and took a shower while my clothes were still on me.

I saw on the floor the blood of those I killed tonight. I smiled. How I love seeing blood. I quickly finished my shower and took the towel and went out of the bathroom.

When I came out, I got dressed right away. I sat in front of the mirror on my desk and took the comb and then combed my hair. I stared at the mirror. I grabbed my face.

This face. Having this face was a curse. It doesn't do anything good to me. I quickly removed my gaze from the mirror. I immediately lay down on my bed and covered my eyes with my arm.

I was about to fall asleep when my cellphone suddenly rang. Ugghhhh! What?! Why don't they let me go to sleep?!

I quickly picked up my cellphone and looked at it. Someone texted me but an unregistered number. But I know very well who it is. He is the only one who dares to do it.

'I enjoyed your little show awhile ago. You didn't even change a bit. You're still the same Queen Raven that I knew'

I put my cellphone on the table and went to sleep. Tsk. He has no intention of leaving me alone, doesn't he? Isn't it enough that he already followed me up here that he still needs to bother me at this time when I want to sleep?! F*ck him!

Do whatever you want it's your life anyway. Watch me as long as you want. And me? I'm already going to sleep.

"Don't go near me again. I don't want the idea of you being near to me again. You suck! You're filthy, despicable, and obnoxious. You're a monster. You don't deserve to live."

"Please don't leave me! You said you will never leave me! You promised that you will always be by my side! We're best friends. You're the only one I have so please don't leave me. I don't want to be alone again."

"I repeat I do not want to see you again. Do not come near me. I hate you. You are disgusting. I regretted all the days that I'm with you. And what did you say? We're best friends? Oh please spare me with that jokes of yours. It's just a show. You're just a way to kill time even from the start. I will never befriend you. You'll never be my best friend. I don't have one. Just accept it no one will ever like to be with you. No one loves you. No one will ever love you."

I suddenly opened my eyes. Just a bad nightmare. No, let me rephrase it is not just a nightmare it's one of my darkest past.

I looked at the clock. It's only 3:00. I woke up early because of that nightmare. I will come later to 8:00.

I tried to sleep again but I couldn't sleep. I suddenly remembered what I had dreamed of just now.

I was walking around the park when I saw a boy sitting on a swing. I quickly approached him. You can do it Akisha Raven Scott! You'll just befriend him there's nothing to be scared of! Maybe he is not like the others. I have a strong feeling that he is different.

When I got close to him I stopped in front of him causing him to look up at me. I was amazed at what I saw. Wow!! Red eyes! Red hair! Cool!

"Ahm hello! Can we be friends?" I asked totally ashamed

"No." he answered directly to the point

The quickness of his answer. He did not even hesitate.

"Please! Please! Let's be friends! Pretty please!" I pleaded to him teary-eyed.

"I don't want to. Just find other kids that can be your friend. Go away." he said in a monotone voice

He is so cold! Scary!

"I-if I just could then I shouldn't be here begging you to befriend me. It's just that they don't like me." I said and bit my lip and on the verge of crying.

Don't! Don't cry in front of a stranger!

I forced a smile and tried to make my voice energetic to masked the pain I'm feeling right now.

"Ahm o-okay. I won't force you anymore! I'll go first! G-goodbye!" I said and ran away.

I kept running until I saw a big tree not far from the park where I came from earlier. I sat there and hugged my knee.

I cried my heart out. Why they don't like me? Is something wrong with me? Am I ugly? Is it because I'm a freak? Am I really a monster?

I felt someone standing in front of me when I looked at Mr. Red.

I don't know his name. He sat down to level with me. Then he wiped my tears.

"Don't cry. It doesn't suit you. You look ugly."

"Thank you."

After he wiped my tears he sat down next to me

"I'm Ash by the way."

I looked at him quickly as he said his name. I know my eyes are shining.

"I'm Akisha. So are you willing to befriend me? You introduced yourself to me. So it means you are willing to befriend me?" I asked continuously while smiling.

"Why do you want to befriend me? You don't even know me that much."

"It's because I have no other friends."

I know my tears are about to drip.

"Fine! Fine! I'm willing to be your friend! Just- just please don't cry."

My face that was almost on the verge of crying replaced by a smile


"You speak Japanese?"

"Hi! My mom was a half Japanese"

"I see."

"I should be the only one to call you Ash okay?"

"Then I should just call you Akisha."

"Wait, why do you call me Akisha? Can it be just Raven or maybe Kisha or Kish?"

"Because Akisha means complete and powerful. It suits you very well."


"So as my new best friend you need to know me. For a while, it's still clear."

"I'm not a human Akisha. I'm a demon. I also have powers. Now you know. Will, you still liked to be my best friend even if I'm not a human just like you?"

I was suddenly taken aback by what he said. He told me his secret maybe I should tell mine too.

"Hontoni? Watashi mo! Me too! Wow! We're the same! I'm glad! I thought I'm the only one that was different from others! Maybe it's not just a coincidence that we've met! Maybe it's fate!"

Her eyes widened in shock but later she smiled as well. Then look up to look at the sky.

"Maybe. Maybe you're right. Maybe it's really fate. But who knows? Right?"



"Hey, Akisha! Hurry!"


I accelerated my pace even more so that I could not notice a rock so I stumbled.

I bit my lip to stop crying. It's okay. It just hurts. I should not cry over a small wound.

I was surprised when suddenly someone sat in front of me. So I looked up when I saw ash.

"Tsk. Clumsy as always, Akisha"

"Ash? Why?"


"Hey! I'm not an idiot!"

"Piggyback ride."

It looks like I already know what he wants to convey so I suddenly blushed.


"Just ride on my back."

He said annoyed so I just pout. Ash's is really such hot-headed! Hmph!

"Fine! Hmph! Why always so grumpy, Ash?"

I said and rode behind him. I wrapped my arm around his neck. I leaned my face in his back.

"Tsk. Shut up."

He touched my leg then he stood up and started walking. After a while, we stopped at the bench. He took something from his pocket when I looked at the band-aid. He is not just a band-aid. Customize it we are the only two who have this band-aid.

He said because we should both always carry a band-aid. After all, I seem to be lame. Oh isn't he a good friend?

Its design is a couple of crowns with A. A. beneath the crowns.

"There. Your wound is okay. Next time please be careful to avoid getting hurt when we are together. You know I'm just preventing myself from drinking your blood, right? Maybe next time I can't stop myself from drinking your blood." he said

That's true. When I first got hurt, he almost bit me, just in case I suddenly screamed in fear and shouted his name so he went back to normal.

"It's okay for you to drink my blood. You are not someone else then you are important to me I can not see you struggling every time you smell my blood when I am injured"

"I already told you. I won't drink your blood. You're also important to me. I can't see you hurting because of me"

"You know what you're so bipolar. Earlier you were so grumpy and now you're being sweet like a chocolate."

"Oh just shut up Akisha."

he said and suddenly blushed. He's really cute when he's blushing!

"Let's go somewhere! It's our 2nd friendiversary!"


"Friendship anniversary! Duh! It's already two years since we became best friends! We didn't be able to celebrate our first friendiversary because you didn't show up that day so we will celebrate our second friendiversary. Let's go!"

We walked around until we passed a store. I pulled him inside.

I rolled my eyes inside until I saw something that grabbed my attention.

I quickly ran over there. So cute! A couple of angel keychains!

"Do you want it?"

I jumped in shock when someone spoke behind me. I just look at Ash. I quickly slapped him on the arm.

"What the heck! Don't be surprised!"

"It looks like you love it. You just saw it you forgot you were with me."

"Aww! My baby Ash is sulking!"

I teased him while poking his side so he's avoiding it.

"Shut up and stop it Akisha"

I saw that his ear was already red. That means he is shy. His ears are always red every time he is embarrassed.

"Okay! Okay! I was just teasing you! Tsk. Why so grumpy?"

He stopped talking and took the keychain and then approached the cashier to pay. So I quickly went to him.

"Hey! I'll pay for it! Let's split the bill."

"I'm the man here Akisha so let me pay"

"That's not fair! Where's the gender equality on that? When it's a woman she is not allowed to pay for a man but if it's a man it is okay even if he pays for that woman no matter how pricey it is! Let me buy for myself okay? I can buy that I have my own money. You always pay when we buy something so let me pay for myself this time. Okay?" I insisted that makes him shake his head with my persistence.

"Fine. If you insist," he said defeatedly

"Miss, how much is everything?"

"Uhm ma'am you need to write here first what you want us to engrave on the keychain."

"Ow! So it's a Personalize Couple Keychain?"

"Yes, Ma'am"

"Okay!" I answered cheerfully

I turned to Ash because I had a good idea.

"Ash, I have an idea! I will buy the keychain for you! You will buy the one for me! I will also write what will be put on your keychain and vice versa"

"That was a good idea"

I already wrote my message for him to put on his keychain. Then I gave ash the same when she finished writing her message for me.

A few minutes later the woman returned carrying our keychain. I took the keychain for ash. I think my message for him is already engraved there. Then we paid for the keychain.

We went to the park with the big tree where we first became friends.


I handed him the keychain I bought. He also handed me the keychain that was for me.

"It will be a symbol of our friendship. If God will let us I wanted to be always with you" he said and smiled sweetly

"Ash. Me too. I wanted to be always by your side" I said and smiled

When I looked at his message engraved on the keychain, I smiled.

"Akisha, thank you"

"For what? For the keychain? You don't need to thank me for that Ash because you also gave me one. Also, this is the first time that I gave something to you"

"Well, sort of but that's not what I'm thanking you for. I'm thanking you for coming into my life. Thank you for being my best friend. Thank you for pulling me into the darkness and bringing me to the light. You're the light on me. You're my angel"

"Same here Ash. You may not be my prince charming but you're my only shining armor. You protected me from the dark. You're my only savior."

Gone are the days, months that we were always happy. But they say that it is not always possible to be happy. If you are very happy in the past few days, expect someone with a big problem waiting for you tomorrow.

He suddenly changed. He has become colder now. I do not know why. We've been fine these past few months we've always had so much fun. So I decided to talk to him. I will not be able to if this situation of ours lasts longer.

"Ash, what's wrong? Why did you become colder and distant to me these past few days? Did I do something wrong? Tell me."

"Nothing. It's just that I realized that I should not agree to be your best friend in the first place"

"What? What are you saying, Ash?"

"Akisha we both know that you're smart you know what I'm talking about. It's just that you don't want to understand."

"But why? Are we okay? Did I do something wrong? If there is, I'm sorry. Please don't be like this."

He just shook his head then started walking away. But before he could get away I quickly grabbed his arm. He quickly slapped my hand to remove my hand from holding him.

My eyes widened because of that. Ash never hit me. He never treated me like this before. Like I was just a piece of trash to him.

He stared at me coldly. There was no reaction on his face.

I could not breathe as I twisted my heart. I tried not to cry. I do not want to look weak especially in such situations.

"Don't go near me again. I don't want the idea of you being near to me again. You suck! You're filthy, despicable, and obnoxious. You're a monster. You don't deserve to live."

"Please don't leave me! You said you will never leave me! You promised that you always be by my side! We're best friends. You're the only one I have so please don't leave me. I don't want to be alone anymore."

"I repeat I do not want to see you again. Do not come near me. I hate you. You are disgusting. I regretted all the days that I'm with you. And what did you say? We're best friends? Oh please spare me with that joke of yours. It's just a show. You're just a way to kill time from the start. I will never befriend you. You never become my best friend. I don't have one. Just accept it no one will ever like to be with you. No one loves you. No one will ever love you "

Then he turned around and walked away. Away from me. Away from my life.

It hurts! The pain was unbearable. He was the only person who appreciated and made me feel the love I had left! Why is my life like this?! Why?!

As I watched him walk away from me I remembered all the things we had together. I thought he was different. I thought he was not like everyone else. But they are just the same! Human or not!

If it's really just a show, then I feel the same way. Not everything I felt was true either.

I should be hurting or crying now. My best friend just left me and told me those harsh words and yet I didn't feel even a single thing. I may be crying outside but I really don't feel anything inside. Emotions? I'm not capable of such things like that.

"Sayonara, Ash."

I was suddenly brought back to reality from the moment I looked back on one of my darkest pasts. It's just the past. In the past, there is no need to go back. It's not even worth thinking of. I'm not bitter okay? It's just that I already woke up in reality but in the hardest way.