I took the children to the house where we were staying so the others could see them. They were happy to see the twins. They talked for a few hours then the twins went home.

After the twins left we talked about Lia being the one to speak in front tomorrow to convince people. He accepted it without hesitation. The next day the grave summoned everyone. We were in a big theater. Where they announce if they have things to say or if there are presenters.

"Good Morning Ladies and Gentlemen we are here in front of you to ask for your help. A new prophecy came. It is written there that there's an incoming war. So we'd like to ask for your help because you're kinds will be a great help for us to save the world from destruction. Please. We need your help" said Lia then bowed

Then everyone started to make noise.

"We have nothing to do with your problem! It is your war, not ours!" a woman shouted