"Do you really think you can easily kill me like that? Guess what you can never kill me even how many times you sliced me or stabbed md you know why? Because I hide my heart somewhere in a place that you'll never expected. In many people without you I looked for ways to make sure no one could kill me. I made a deal with Thanatos. I gave him my soul in exchange was the way to live for a very long time. Until you find my heart even though you can never kill me. It's great, isn't it? I'm like an immortal." said Guile madly and I immediately turn my head to him with disbelief.

He's insane! He pledged his soul to Thanatos?! That God is also cunning! I quickly turned to the person who caused my father's death. I saw Yvo looking strange. He really looks like an absolute monster. His whole body grew and his whole body was on fire His whole body grew and his whole body was on fire. He also had a tail and enormous horns. He really looks like a demon from hell.