Once at the police station Kevin has to do all the talking because Alex is just in his own world, shock or whatever. Kevin shows the police the picture and they say they will do everything they can. A few hours later and everyone is back at Kevin's house. Kevin doesn't trust to leave Alex in his own apartment. Kevin says to the others "I wish we had an idea where she could be, she could be anywhere. If only we could track where she was." All of a sudden Alex starts to speak saying "That's it, why didn't I think of that before. Kevin get your laptop now." Kevin is confused but gets his laptop. He says "Why do you want this?" Alex says "Mel has a GPS tracker thing in her phone. If we can find out where her phone is then we will find where she is." Kevin quickly gets on his laptop and they find out the exact location. Alex runs out of the house and Kevin says "Shit, Anna call the police and tell them where she is." He then runs out of the house after Alex with the others.