Chapter Ten

He was running, he didn't exactly know where he just knew he had to get out of there.

Ever since a voice had beckoned him into the realm he'd been running ever since.

He hid in an alleyway. He was breathing so hard, he felt like his lungs were on fire. He looked behind him.

Had he lost them?

He glanced down at his clothes, it was dirty and riddled with holes. He's been running for the past hour from creatures he hadn't even known existed.

They were of different shapes and sizes, abominable creatures that had never seen the light of day.

The air was so heavy and hard to breathe in that it was a miracle he hadn't already suffocated.

The realm had an angry coal red vibe and every tree was dead and even the grasses had long since withered; nothing living grew.

It was the apocalyptic version of the real world.

Skyscrapers—or what was left of them—laid destroyed in clusters. It was a nightmare.

I have to get outta here.