Chapter Twenty

The void closed behind them as they stepped out of it.

William was silent as he stared at the ground.

He was used to the feel of the sand beneath his feet, the bright mildly scorching sun, and the occasional rain, but he paid none of those things mind as he felt tears drop slowly down his cheek.

She'd known, all along?

She'd known he was a murderer?

"Murder isn't a big deal." Fil shrugsed beside him. As usual, he laid on the sand and played with it.

"I mean I can't count the number of people I've killed." He said none chalantly.

"Mine's different," William said turning to him.

Fil raised an eyebrow.


William turned to face him.

"I killed him because he deserved it, why do you kill?"

"Easy, I hate humans. They're a waste of space and time."

William raised an eyebrow.

"Whatever," William said sitting on the ground beside him.

He closed his eyes but he could only see honey brown eyes.

His heart stuttered.