Chapter Twenty Five

Can the prey be taken from the mighty or the captives of a tyrant be rescued?

But thus says the Lord:

Even the captures of the mighty shall be taken, and the prey of the tyrant be rescued; for I will contend with those who contend with you, and I will save your children.







Bennett opened his eyes and shuddered when he saw a dark figure looming over him by the foot of his bed.

He sat up and switched on the bedside lamp.

"My Lord." He quickly got up and knelt.

It was his master, Fil Reuc. His alarm bells were ringing, if he was here, then something must be terribly wrong.

Bennett was sensing something strange from him. He could sense both Fil and William.

What was going on?

"They're trying to free this shmuck. I thought I told you to take care of the cherished. Now they're costing me a lot. Do you know how many prisoners they've stolen from me?" Fil looked rattled and agitated.

He should have guessed.