Chapter Thirty- Two

He sighed and closed his eyes.

William has been thinking a lot, about everything. About life about death...about destiny.

Since the two years of his captivity, since Fil came into his life he'd seen the unthinkable, done the unthinkable. To think a world like this existed in another plane, in another reality.

He's felt pain, gut-wrenching pain. How he was still sane was beyond him.

William thought of Hope and he felt the usual tug inside of him. He loved this woman so much that it was unreal. He had to let her go. He had to...

He opened his eyes.

Instead of stony walls and darkness, he was met with light and wooden walls. Instead of a putrid smell, he smelled, lavender?

He was in a house and not just any house. He recognized the chairs and tables. He recognized the kitchen and the furniture. It was his apartment.

He looked around some more.

Why was he here?

His clothes were ragged and he looked like he'd seen better days.