Chapter Thirty-Eight

I decided to change the cover of 'The Concession', I hope you like it





For every person that dies and goes down to the pit, he would smile. For every person crushed by a building or torn to pieces, he would chuckle, for every life chared to ashes and scattered to the wind, he would smirk.

Because he was darkness.

This ancient one who knows no light, a ranging lion, who kills, steal and destroys, seeking whom to devour.

He is the son of perdition and now without restraint, it was finally time for him to come out.

The fires of hell seemed to intensify by a hundredfold and the world could feel the tremors as the earth spat him out.

The vision came in the form of a dragon, a black dragon coming from where it had been bound for a thousand years, smokes came from around the pit and one could see the trail of smoke coming from his nostrils ascending into heaven.

It was a dreary sight. The first woe has come.
