Ten years on
It’s the ninth of September, college has just begun. Ashleigh and Phoenix have just begun there first year of A levels and are yet to meet.
Ashleigh makes friends easily, so does Phoenix, but their truths are well hidden. With Justin and Mackenzie in prison they have no idea who the other really is. Kaleen and Candice had gone their separate ways when Ashleigh and Phoenix had turned four
thinking it was for the best them, to never know who the other was. Now they were at the same college and were soon to meet, but would either of them find out the other’s deep dark secret?
Ashleigh sat in the cafeteria, a tall dark haired boy, with blond high lights, piercing blue eyes walked over to her. ‘Sorry I couldn’t help but notice you were on your own may I?’
Phoenix smiled sitting down opposite Ashleigh ‘I’m Phoenix.’
‘So what are you studying?’
‘Electronics, well that and Mechanics.’
She smiled.
‘So do you fancy doing something this weekend?’
He smiled. ‘Shall I pick you up?’
‘I’ll meet you in town at eleven okay.’
‘It’s a date.’
He placed his hand on hers. ‘I hope we can be so much more than friends.’
He leaned forward placing his lips on hers kissing her. His friends Wolfe whistled. He pulled away, taking his hand off hers. ‘Saturday don’t forget.’
I won’t.’
He slipped off the chair and walked back over to his friends who patted him on the back as they walked away. A dragon he bared on his coat.
‘Who was that?’
Ashleigh looked up. ‘Oh Kelley that was Phoenix.’
‘He’s hot.’
‘I know.’
‘So what did he want?’ she asked sitting down.
‘For me to go on a date with him.’
‘I hope you said yes.’
‘Of course.’
‘Go girl men like that don’t come round that easily.’
They drank their coffees and pulled themselves up off the chairs.
‘Well I’ll talk to you later Ash.’
‘Tell me how the date goes.’
‘Will do.’
They walked away in their separate directions.
Ashleigh walked out of college in a world of her own. ‘Ash wait!’
She turned and smiled.
Phoenix joined her out of breath. ‘I thought I’d missed you, Coeb said he saw you ten minutes ago.’
‘It takes five to get out the maze of corridors.’
‘Yeah I know.’
He finally caught his breath. ‘Any way I was wondering if we could go somewhere now if that’s okay with you? If there’s no hurry for you to get back home.’
‘No I’m fine till seven.’
‘Sound come on then.’ He said taking her hand.
She looked at him, he looked at her. ‘This is okay isn’t it?’
‘You sure?’
‘I really like you you’re the hottest girl in college.’
‘I wouldn’t say that there’s plenty better.’
‘I wouldn’t say that.’
They walked into town in to the pizzeria. ‘Well we’re here sorry it’s not much I’ve not got much till Saturday.’
‘It’s fine.’
Phoenix ordered and they sat down.
‘So how did you find your first day?’
‘Okay I almost got lost twice.’
‘Big place isn’t it?’
‘Yeah god help Kieran next September.’
‘Who’s Kieran?’
‘My younger brother.’
‘Oh right.’
‘You got any brothers or sisters?’
‘No just me.’
‘They’re a pain in the ass.’
He laughed.
The waitress brought their order over placing it on the table and walked away.
They took slice after slice swigging their cokes between them.
Ashleigh looked at her watch. ‘Shit I’ve got to go.’
‘I’ll walk you.’
‘No its fine.’
‘Well let me walk you half way then.’
They pulled themselves up and walked out of the pizzeria.
They talked till they got to Redwood Drive.
‘I’ve had a really nice time.’
‘Me too.’
Phoenix leaned forward placing his lips on hers kissing her, she returned his kiss they kissed hungrily, butterflies circled around inside her. His kiss was so warm, so tender, but she yet had to find out about the real Phoenix.
He pulled away dropping her hand. ‘I’ll meet you here in the morning okay.’
‘Nine don’t be late.’
‘I won’t.’
‘Bye Ash.’
‘Bye Phoenix.’
Phoenix walked up Redwood Drive as she walked away heading for Buttermere Street.
She closed the door behind her. ‘Where have you been?’
‘Nowhere where’s mom?’
‘Gone to work, she’s going to kill you when she gets back.’
‘You’re nearly sixteen Ke you can look after yourself.’
‘I guess you’ve eaten?’
‘So who were you with?’
‘A friend from college.’
‘So you dis me for a friend?’
‘I was five minutes late Ke you’re my brother, not a friend. I’m going to my room.’
‘Sure what-ever.’
Ashleigh walked passed Kieran up the creaky stairs closing her bedroom door behind her. She leaped into her bed plugging her headphones into her ears jamming on some tunes.
She lay on the bed smiling, she’d finally met someone who had taken her for her and not what they wanted her to be, she just hoped Phoenix was better than all the other guys she knew, but how could she tell him that her dad was doing time for murder? He’d run for sure.
Ashleigh met Phoenix at nine where he’d asked her to. He took her hand. ‘So you get home on time?’
‘Five minutes late. I copped it this morning, Mom flipped said I should be more responsible. Kieran can .look after himself he’s nearly sixteen!’
‘So he’s not much younger than you?’
‘No about nine months. He would’ve been in the same year, but he missed out on the entry date by a couple of days.’
‘Yeah he was pissed, he wanted to leave school.’
‘I bet your mom weren’t too pleased.’
‘Not really, he’s only got till April then he leaves.’
‘So what’s he going to study?’
‘I think he wants to do a business degree or something, he’ll probably change his mind.’
‘Clever is he?’
‘Well I’m going to have to love you and leave you. Saturday still cool?’
‘I’ll see you then.’
He kissed her quickly dropping her hand out of his. ‘Bye Ash.’
She smiled.
He jogged over to his friends and they walked away.
‘Is that who I think it is?’
Ashleigh turned, a bright coloured haired girl had caught up with her. ‘Kelley.’
‘I called you.’
‘Sorry I never heard you.’
‘So was that?’
‘Phoenix yes.’
‘So you got it together then?’
‘Last night.’
‘So he took you on a date? How did it go?’
‘Yeah he did. It was fine. We went to the pizza parlour in town, he’s really nice.’
‘So you seeing him again?’
‘Yeah Saturday.’
‘So he’s still meeting you?’
‘Why don’t you just get him to pick you up?’
She stared blank at Kelley.
‘I get it your mom right?’
‘Yeah she still thinks I’m ten.’
‘She thinks your brother is too.’
‘Yeah I know.’
‘How is your brother anyway?’
‘He’s fine. You’ve still got a thing for him haven’t you?’
‘A little.’
‘Go for it I know he likes you too.’
‘It was one kiss Ash he never bothered after.’
‘He’s shy. I’ll talk to him.’
Kelley smiled.
Kieran pulled up on his scrambler.
‘What are you doing here Ke?’
‘Mom coolred me into it to make sure you got home on time. Hop on.’
‘Is it safe?’
‘Of course.’
Ashleigh swung herself onto the bike sitting down.
‘There you are Ash.’
‘Phoenix I didn’t think I was seeing you till Saturday?’
‘I thought I’d walk you home.’
‘I cant I’m sorry.’
He looked at her quetionly.
‘Oh sorry Phoenix this is my brother Kieran, Kieran this is Phoenix the friend I told you about.’
‘Nice to meet you.’
‘You too, now I know why Ash was late.’
‘Can we just go?’
‘I’ll meet you tomorrow okay.’
Kieran revved up.
‘Bye Ash.’
‘Bye Phoenix.’
Kieran changed gear and sped away from the college.
‘You sure she’s worth it?’
‘Will she be once she knows the truth?’
‘Come on Phe stop gorking we better go.’
‘Sure Coeb.’
They walked away from the college.
Kieran pulled up out side the house, they pulled themselves up off the bike. ‘So he’s the reason you were late?’
‘So where he take you?’
‘Pizza pallor in town.’
‘Last of the big spenders!’
‘He didn’t have much.’
‘Chill sis he seems cool.’
‘He is.’
‘Good as long as you’re happy.’
‘I am.’ She said closing the door behind them. ‘While we’re on happy isn’t it about time you asked Kelley out?’
‘She won’t be interested in me.’
‘Why not?’
‘She just won’t.’
‘Well she is so get your butt into gear and do something about it.’
Phoenix looked at Ashleigh as she walked over to him. ‘Look I’m sorry about last night Mom sent Kieran to make sure that I got home on time so I wasn’t late back.’
He smiled. ‘It’s cool, so we okay for tonight? You can come back to mine.’
He took her hand and they walked away.
Kieran pulled up outside the college, Ashleigh and Kelley walked out of the college double doors.
‘What’s your brother doing here?’
‘I don’t know.’
They walked over to Kieran.
‘What you doing here?’
‘Chill Ash I’m not here to pick you up.’
‘Who then?’
‘Kelley that’s if she fancies doing something.’
Kelley looked at Ashleigh, who smiled. She looked back at Kieran. ‘Sure.’
Phoenix bounced over. ‘There you are.’
She looked at him and smiled.
‘You ready?’
‘Yeah. See ya Ke Kelley.’
‘Leave them to it.’
Kieran and Kelley were in grossed in one another kissing hungrily. Kieran stuck his hand up then placed it back round Kelley kissing her passionately.
Ashleigh and Phoenix walked away.
‘Didn’t take him long.’
‘They’ve had a thing for each other for ages. They just needed a push in the right direction.’
‘If all of my friends were like you I’d be happy.’
‘So your friends didn’t like me?’
‘Yeah, Coeb pushed me to ask you out. I’m glad he did you’re really nice thinking of others before yourself.’
‘I always do.’
He smiled.
Phoenix opened the door to the bungalow in Redwood Drive.
‘Will your Mom mind?’
‘Nagh she’s working as usual.’ Phoenix answered closing the door.
‘My mom’s the same, and her boyfriend.’
He led Ashleigh into the lounge pulling her down on to the large two seater sofa. ‘So where does your mom work?’
‘A bar in town, same as Broyden.’
‘Her boyfriend?’
‘Yeah Kieran’s Dad.’
‘So he’s not your Dad?’
‘No I haven’t seen my dad since I was born.’
‘Me neither, mom don’t speak much of him.’
‘Neither does mine. I don’t think she thinks much of him for leaving us.’
‘So where is your Dad?’
‘I don’t know.’
‘Me neither.’
He leaned forward. ‘You and me we could make a go of this, lean on each other when the other’s down. Or needs to talk.’
She smiled. ‘That would be nice.’
He placed his lips on hers kissing her hungrily.
He pulled away. ‘I’m so glad you agreed to us.’
‘Me too.’
‘I hope you know what you are letting yourself in for.’
‘I hope you do to.’
He placed his lips back on hers kissing her. He pulled away. ‘Do you think we’ll be together when college is over?’
She smiled nervously. He was two steps in front of her, he was going way too fast for her they’d only just met. Was he so insecure that he felt he had to hang onto her and make sure that they’d be together when they both left college.
‘Look I’ve really got to go.’
‘I’ll see myself out.’
‘I’ll walk you.’
‘Maybe next time.’
He smiled.
She pulled herself up, so did he, they walked out of the room and across the hall.
Phoenix opened the door. ‘I’ll see you Saturday.’
‘Not in college tomorrow?’
‘No study day.’
‘Lucky a three day weekend.’
‘Yeah. I’ll see you Saturday at eleven then?’
She smiled.’
He leaned forward placing his lips on hers kissing her hungrily. He pulled away.
‘Bye Phoenix.’
‘Bye Ash.’
She stepped out, walking away, he watched her till he could no longer see her then he closed the door.
‘Where are you going?’
‘I told you yesterday. I’m meeting a friend.’
‘What about your brother?’
‘It’s cool mom. I’m picking Kelley up in half an hour.’
‘Who’s this friend?’
‘He’s from college.’
‘A boy?’
‘I’m nearly seventeen not ten.’
‘How old is he?’
‘The same.’
‘What’s he like?’
‘He’s cool mom.’
‘Thank Ke, but I can answer for myself.’ Ashleigh looked at her mom. ‘He’s nice mom.’
‘And his name?’
‘Phoenix what?’
‘I don’t know just Phoenix.’
‘Look chill mom she can look after herself. I’ll give you a lift Ash.’
‘So when will I get to meet him?’
‘Soon mom. Come on Ke if you’re giving me that lift.’
‘Sure.’ He said pulling himself up, picking up his keys.
‘Bye mom.’
‘See you mom.’
The door closed.
‘Geese when will she ever get off my case? Cant I have any friends?’
‘It’s a boy!’ Kieran smiled.
‘Big deal.’
‘But its not just any boy is it sis?’
She blushed.
Kieran got onto the bike, starting the engine. ‘Hop on if you want that lift.’
She pulled herself on to the scrambler, holding onto his leather. ‘So where to?’
‘Town it is.’
He revved up changing gear backing up of the drive and speeding down the road.
Kieran pulled up in town where Phoenix was waiting for Ashleigh. She pulled herself up off the bike. ‘Thanks.’
‘Shall I give you a lift home?’
‘No I’ll be fine.’
‘I better or mom will freak if I don’t.’
‘Sure I’ll text you or something to tell you where I am.’
‘Sure see ya later sis.’
Kieran pulled away. Ashleigh turned and walked over to Phoenix. He looked at her. ‘So your brother give you a lift?’
‘Yeah anything to get mom off my back.’
‘When will I get to meet her?’
‘You’re as bad as her.’
He frowned at her.
‘Soon okay.’
He pulled himself up off the bench and took her hand. ‘So is he picking you up?’
‘Yeah I’ve got to call him.’
‘You can do that from mine later, first I’m going to treat you.’
‘So you got some money then!’
He smiled sarcastically. ‘Yeah.’
They walked away, Phoenix spent most of his money on Ashleigh that day buying her a ‘forever’ ring. Which she debated about.
‘How can you afford it?’
‘It’s my treat.’
‘No buts.’
He slipped the eternity ring onto her finger. He smiled placing his lips on hers kissing her hungrily.
He pulled away. ‘Come on let’s eat.’
He took her into the restaurant and ordered their meal.
He took her hand while they waited for their meal to be brought to their table. ‘You’re really special to me Ash. I want to make it more permanent.’
She looked at him wordily.
‘I want us to get a place of our own, not yet when college is through. Maybe next year what do you say?’
The waitress placed their order down on the table. ‘Enjoy your meal.’
‘We will thanks.’
She walked away. Phoenix took his hand off hers and they sat in silence eating their lunch.
‘So you coming back to mine?’
He left the money on the plate with a tip.
They pulled themselves up, he took her hand, he complemented on the food as they left the restaurant.
Phoenix closed the door behind them and they went into the lounge, sitting down on the sofa. He glided his hand through her hair making her nervous, making her flinch.
‘Chill Ash we’re on our own no one will be back for hours.’
He placed his hand on her chin, turning her to face him. ‘I love you.’ He placed his lips on hers kissing her hungrily.
He pulled away placing his arm round her. ‘You know we could have a place like this on our own all alone.’
He kissed her forehead. ‘I love you.’
She pulled away. ‘I’ve got to go.’
‘You’ve only just got her.’
‘I’ve really got to go.’
‘Sure the phones in the hall.’
Ashleigh pulled herself up and walked into the hall picking up the receiver and dialling Kieran’s mobile.
She placed it back down walking back into the lounge.’
‘Is he coming?’
‘Yeah ten minutes.’
‘Sit down then.’
Ashleigh sat next to Phoenix.
‘Sorry if I offended you, just that I don’t want us to be apart.’
‘You hardly know me.’
‘I know enough.’
He leaned forward placing his lips on hers kissing her, she returned his kiss kissing hungrily.
A horn echoed through the bungalow. She pulled away. ‘Well there’s my lift.’
Phoenix took Ashleigh’s hand pulling the both of them up and led her into the hall. He opened the door. 'Alright Kieran?’
‘Not to bad. Yourself?’
‘Sound, we’ll all have to go out next weekend.’
He looked at Ashleigh. ‘I’ll see you Monday.’
‘Think about what I said.’
‘I will.’
He placed his lips on hers kissing her.
He pulled away. ‘Night Ash.’
‘See you Kieran.’
‘See ya.’
Ashleigh pulled herself onto the bike. They smiled and Kieran beeped the horn before pulling away.
Phoenix closed the door behind him.