Ice had rose with the birds, un-aware that Kieran and the others weren’t far behind, and would be joining them soon in Cross Keys. After dressing Ice and Kelley had got into the car and was driving around the mountain range. ‘Are you sure about this Ice? It seems so far.’

‘This aint no fucking Jeep babe. We’ll have no fucking tyres left.’

‘Oh okay.’

He squeezed her leg. ‘It’ll be okay babe, Cross Keys aint that far now. We can rest till morning there’s a motel not far up the road babe, we’ll be there in about five mins tops.’

‘Can I open a window?’


She pressed the button down on the passenger door which opened her window, which was tinted slightly. The sun roof open on this warm spring day. They sat drinking lemonade as Ice drove on. ‘It’s not far now babe.’

‘I hope not.’

Kieran looked at Kobe. ‘So where are they?’

‘Not far from here, a few hours maybe.’

‘How are the guys?’


‘We’ll rest today and go to find them tomorrow.’