Chapter Seven

Adri's POV

"Adri where’s Janna? Is she with you?" Justin hastily asks the moment I stepped out of the ladies' washroom. I didn’t know they followed us here. And yes, I was with Janna but she already left. She looks like she’s in a hurry.

"Janna already left. I think about five minutes ago." I simply answered before I stand beside Luke.

"She left? As in Janna go home? Why?" he asked again.

"I don’t know.” I said as my phone beeps. It was a text message from Janna.

It's said…

From: Janna Villamayor

Adri, I’m sorry I go ahead. I need to hurry to our company. See you tomorrow!

I know it is not the only reason why but I let her. Yes, I am good at inquiring people but I still know the words privacy and respect. I will not force anyone to say something they are not comfortable to.

I replied…

To: Janna Villamayor

No problem. I’ll let Luke and Justin know. See you tomorrow, Janna!

"Was that Janna?" I flinched a little when Luke, who’s quietly standing beside me suddenly talk.

"Ah yeah. She said she needs to attend to something and she is sorry that she leaves in a hurry.” I answered.

"Oh right, you and Janna talked. So do you now know why she cried yesterday?” Justin said.

"Ah… yeah. We talked. And she also did tell me the reason why. She said she hasn’t moved on yet from A—" I stopped mid-sentence when I realized I was saying something I shouldn’t. Ugh! Strike two, Adri! Me and my big mouth!

They both looked at me that made me looked away immediately. I’m dead. I am so dead!

"Huh? What did you just say?” Justin, who is quick enough to catch on what I’m saying query.

"Huh? Nothing! I did not say anything." I nervously responded.

"Nothing? I think I heard some words like move on” Justin then said with a creased forehead.

"I said nothing! You’re just hearing something we didn’t hear. You’re getting weird. Let’s go, Luke. I remember I have something to do at home.” I defended then looked at Luke asking him to save me from his best friend's interrogation.

"Just a moment, who was that? The one you were going to mention a while ago?” my jaw dropped. Wait, what? He didn’t save me and help his best friend instead? Wow. Excuse me? I’m his girlfriend?

"You are so annoying. I already said it was nothing. I’ll go ahead. Stop following me!” I said then stomped my feet away from them. Yes, you’re doing good Adri. Don’t ever tell them what Janna said to you. You didn’t want to break Janna’s trust, did you?

"Hey Adri… c'mmon, I know you know something." Luke said after them both caught up on me.

"Luke please, just this one. Don’t make me say it.” I said then even made puppy eyes for him to retreat.

"Adri, please! Say it! Do you want me to spend the rest of the day thinking about it? I might also think about it at night. Besides, you have a debt to pay from us.” Justin pleads that made my eyes grew bigger than they usually are. Debt?!

"Debt? I don’t. I wired you my remaining balance last week!” I perplexedly said. I swear I don’t have any pending debt from any of them.

"It’s not about the money. It is about what you did to us a while ago. You left the both of us." He answered.

"I’m still not going to say it!" I stubbornly responded. I will not say it and they can’t make me say it either. I made a promise to Janna.

"Clarrence Adrinne Montes! Please, I’m begging you! If you want, I can pay for your lunch for a month.” Oh, I know this! He’s using foods to convince me just because he knows I love to eat.

"NO." I pigheadedly said again.

"I will take care of your assignments and projects for a month." He then changes his offer.

"It was a very tempting offer but… it's still a NO."

"I will take care of your assignments and projects for a month and I will also pay for your lunch.” He offered again. Seriously? He likes Janna that hard for him to do this?

"I already said NO Justin. So, NO. A big NO!" I said again. Actually, I want to say yes to that offer. It’s a win-win situation for me. I don’t have to do school stuff and I also have free lunch for a month. But, I made a promise to Janna. *sighed*

"I will buy you the shoes you really like.” I got stunned for a moment and looked at him in no time. Is he serious? Can I just say yes? I really love those shoes.

I was about to say yes to Just when my inner voice or my conscience said “You made a promise to Janna, right? Honor what you had promised.”

"No." I briefly said then turn my back on them and walk away again. Right, you’re doing well at defending, Adri! You're doing a great job of resisting his offers. No matter what he is about to offer don’t ever swerve.

"How about a VVIP ticket for SJ's Concert?" he offers again that made me stopped from walking. Yes, I froze. VVIP TICKET?! I looked at him. He’s smirking this time because he knows he got me.

I swallowed the big lump in my throat. VVIP TICKET? Waah! Why? It is so hard to resist!

"You really want to see them up close and personal, right?” he added.

Waaah! What am I going to do? I am in a big dilemma. Should I say yes or no? If I say yes, Janna might get upset with me. If I said no, I will not get a chance to see SJ up close and personal! I am so torn!

"Are you serious? VVIP TICKET? SJ’s concert?! You’re not scamming me?" I clarified. He just nodded. OMG! What now, Adri? I really want to see them perform live! But… what about Janna? Ugh!

I looked at Luke to ask for some help. I gave him a 'Should-I-or-shouldn't-I' look. And all I received from him is a nod. A single nod.

"Ah… on the other hand, just forget I said it. I won’t force you to say it to me. I’m fine—"

"Shut up! I will say it! I will!" I’m sorry, Janna. It’s a once in a lifetime chance to see them in flesh.

"Really? You’re going to say it? For real?" Just said while smiling widely. Is it really okay?

I slowly nodded. I’m really sorry, Janna. "But on one condition."

"Say it. Anything. I will do anything.” He quickly responded, still smiling widely. Tch. I’m telling you, letting your friends know your weaknesses may also put you at disadvantage. They can use it against you anytime.

I still don’t know if what I am doing is right but it is the only way I know to see SJ live.

"You are not allowed to say anything to Janna. You are still clueless, and don’t ever mention me when she notices that you now know something." I warned him but he just smiled at me mischievously. “Just, I’m serious!”

"Alright. I am serious too. You have my word. I will not spill anything.” He answered me.

We look for a vacant seat before I started telling them the truth.

"So she said no to you because she is not ready. And you’re right, she hasn’t moved on--"

"She had a boyfriend? I am right?” he abruptly said.

"If I were you, I will listen intently first.” I said making my annoyance felt by his sudden interruption. "Like what I’ve said, she hasn’t moved on. Well, the guy never became her boyfriend but she fell for him. Are you getting it?” I ask them. I continued when they both nodded at me. "And then based on her story, they used to bicker a lot at first. Until one day, they needed each other’s help and cooperation.” I paused for a second to observe their reactions.

Luke just quietly staring at me while listening while Justin is just listening keenly.

"They need to pretend that the guy is courting her. If you’ll ask me why? Janna didn’t tell me the reason. She just said it's a long story to tell. Until one day, she realized that she fell from him already.” I continuously said.

"But if that what was happening, how come Janna seemed hurt? Is it a one-sided love?” Luke said.

"She said she doesn’t have any idea if the guy also fell for her or not because she didn’t dare to say what she truly feels. Until they both lost contact with each other. But you know what guys, I can't blame her. If I were her, I will also not confess first." I answered.

"So until now she still likes that guy?” it is now Justin who asked.

"Hmm… I think so. She cried when she was telling her story. I think it was still hard for her to go back to that memory." I said then sighed. "But you know what, I feel like the guy also likes her. I mean, maybe it was just not the right time for them? Right love at the wrong time?” I saw how Justin stared at me. Oops! "What? I said, I feel like. I didn’t say it is true. Chill.” I immediately added.

"Tss! By the way, who’s that guy?" he asked again.

"John Allen Monteclaro!" I said then smiled sweetly.

"John Allen? Their basketball team captain who beat us on finals last year?” Justin said, surprised. I just nodded.

"Bro, I think you should give up. Allen? Tsk. You can’t compete with him.” Luke teasingly said. Justin threw him a dagger look.

"What made you say that? For your information Buenavista, I am better-looking than him. Right, Adri?” Justin then looks at me.

"Huh? Allen is more handsome." I replied that made Luke laughed.

"Pfft! HAHAHA. See? Even Adri agreed with me. Bro, just give up. You didn’t even win against him in basketball, what about Janna? Pfft!" Luke teased him again while trying to hold his laughed.

"Aish! I hate you both! Janna and I will be together, just wait and see.” He said which makes Luke laugh harder.

"As if I care about you bro!" Luke countered that makes Justin pissed.

"Yeah!" Justin shouted before he rose to his feet and leave us behind.

I looked at my boyfriend who’s now laughing his heart out. "Let’s go home. Stop teasing Justin.”

“He’s so easy to piss off. Hahaha.” My boyfriend replied before he holds my hand to help me stand up and walk.
