Chapter Fifty One

Irene’s POV

I actually don’t want them to have a duet. I’m worried about Sam. Justin’s mood is at his lowest today and Adri looks so tense. I’m afraid something bad might happen.

"What are we going to sing?” Allen asked.

"Pick one,” Kaye answered him which the latter eventually did.

"Sam…" Allen called out before he handed the piece of paper to Sammy.

"You know this one?" Sammy immediately asked him.

"Of course, you?" he asked back. Sammy only nodded.



We keep our mouths tightly sealed as they started to sing in acapella.

"I shouldn't have walked away

I would've stayed if you said

We could've made everything OK

But we just

Threw the blame back and forth

We treated love like a sport

The final blow hit so low

I'm still on the ground" –Sammy

Dang it! Sammy sang those lines with so many emotions.

"I couldn't have prepared myself for this fall

Shattered in pieces curled on the floor

Supernatural love conquers all