Chapter 14

Eva's POV

Catching sight of my mom lying there in the picture looking unconscious made me insane. It corresponds to the letter I received earlier in the mailbox from the Heather copycat. The letter was directed at me and I didn't think it would be my family. I didn't even get to say anything pleasant to my mom before leaving the house. “I hate myself” I kept mumbling in frustration.

~flashback ~

“Mom, I'm going out, I will be right back” I hollered calmly at her from the stairs directing to the door. I could hear clatter sounds coming from the kitchen and I knew she was preparing dinner since it was starting to get dark.

“Honey, it's almost dinner time, why don't you eat first, and I will drive you to wherever it is you said you are headed” She shouted back from the kitchen.

“Later mom” I proclaimed getting more impatient.

“Just a few minutes more, and it will be ready” she pressed on.

“I said no!!” I yelled, increasing the pitch volume of my voice and my frustration turning into anger as I badged into the kitchen. I really wanted to show the letter to Scarlet before anything else happens, and my mom was in the way of that. She looked at me taken aback by my sudden outburst.

“C'mon mom who rides their teenage daughter to a friend's house these days”

I said going closer to her and feeling awful for taking out my frustration out on her.

“But...” she mumbled.

“I'm old enough to look after myself okay,” I said assuring her of my safety. I was trying my best to hide the anxiety I was feeling as a result of the note in my purse.

“Okay if you insist, but don't be out too late”

She gave in, but I could still see the hurt engraved all over her face.

I turned my back and sauntered out of the kitchen and headed straight for the door. I felt very awful for how I yelled at her but there was nothing I could do about it. She was the only person accessible to vent my frustration on. My dad was on one of his numerous business trips again, and it's been a week since he left which makes me closer to my mom than my dad. Well not that I cared too much about his presence.

I plunged into my car and headed for Scarlet's house.

“End of flashback ~~

My past mistake is coming back to haunt me. I knew everything that is happening to us is a consequence for what we did to Heather, to be precise what I did to her. And now my mom is gonna pay for something she has no idea of. I plopped back onto the couch at Scarlet's house helplessly and started sobbing.

“What if she's alive, and it's some kinda prank?” Ian's sudden outburst snapped me out of my misery. I lifted my head slowly and stared in his way. He looked tensed, not sure of himself, but I knew he was right. It wouldn't hurt to go back home to check on her. And honestly, I was scared the person was still out there somewhere waiting for me to charge out and get the chance to harm me.

I got up from the couch hastily and without glimpsing directly at anyone...

“I need to go” I notified them and scurried out of the house without pausing to listen to an answer from anyone. I looked around frightened as I neared my car. I had a dreadful feeling, It felt like someone was staring at me and was already expecting me. I quickly ran over to my car and unlocked it. Moving into the car as quickly as possible, I started the engined and drove off.

I thought of different feasible horrible things which could be happening to her as I drove through the night. I tried shoving those thoughts away, but they just kept piling up with different more horrible ones. I speed through the quiet street hoping I am not stopped for over speeding by any security officer. I was parked in front of my house before I knew it. Scarlet's house was just a stone throw away from my place. We practically lived in each other's house when we were very little and besties at the time. What beautiful memories those days held. I snapped out of it and got out of the car the minute I halted the engine forgetting to even latch the car, I ran like crazy to the door.

“Mom!!!” I wailed as I pushed the door, it flung open making my heart miss a beat and I became alarmed. If the door was unlocked, that means someone else was in the house. The place was pitch dark. I took steady steps into the living area appalled of what might unexpectedly jump at me. I walked blindly to the switch button and switched on the lights. In arched a brow. The room looked just like I left it, no damage or sign of hullabaloo anywhere. I looked around for any possible weapon to defend myself with just in case it comes down to that.

“Ah-ha” I signed thankfully when I noticed my dad's golf equipment packed in the right corner of the room. I have never been soo happy to see his things. I gripped a golf club tightly with both my hands as I took one step at a time quietly deeper into the living room with my heart beating restlessly. I could see the couch from behind and I got nervous about what I was gonna see on it. I walked steadily to the couch, my palm getting sweaty as they held onto the bat tightly.

I sneak a peek at the couch up front and I saw her...

“Mom!! Mom!!!mom!!!” I called out while tapping her shoulder vigorously.

“Hey, you are back,” she said drowsily as she rubbed her eyes.

“ OMG you are fine” I exclaimed and hugged her like never before in tears. I have missed how hugging her felt warm.

She hesitated before putting her arms around me. “ I love you mom” I confessed still in her embrace.

“I love you too. Are you okay?” She said not sure of what was happening.

“I have never been more okay, I just suddenly realized how much I missed you,” I said in between smiles.

“Oh, I forgot” I exclaimed

“About what?” My mom asked.

“I need to notify Scarlet that I have arrived home safely” I lied while getting up.

“Yeah, you do that” my mom replied.

I gave her a kiss and went up to my room.

“Is dinner still available?” I asked halfway to my room.

“Let me get some for you,” she said hopping off the couch with a satisfied smile plastered on her face. I smiled and continued my way up.

I took my phone out and dialed Scarlet's number the instant I entered the room and shut the door behind me. If they were all still around, I bet they were anxious to know what happened.

The phone rang for a while before it was answered. I wonder why.

“Scarlet?” I let out tears of joy and paused. She's fine and save, just having a nap” I said.

I heard the sigh of relief from her end.

“That God!!!” I heard a female voice from behind the phone. I smiled just knowing that they all had my back even despite me being a bit$t. I took my bath and went down for a late dinner.