Chapter 21

Eva's POV~~

I noticed Brit was not in the English class which was the third lesson in the day. I took my phone out to phone her but...

“Miss Anderson, would you mind putting the phone back till the class is over?” The English teacher called out and everyone veered around to look at me. I was used to the attention but this time, I felt like I was being watched by a foe I couldn't detect.

I sighed heavily and switched it off, slowly putting the phone back into my bag and turning my head to face the teacher who still had his eyes on me. He did an abrupt boost and plunge to his eyebrow and proceeded with his lesson. I wasn't unnerved by Brit's absence, I mean people skipped class a lot including me, perhaps today was one of those days for her.

Minutes later, the bell wailed, and we all sauntered out of the class. I saw Eric and Dylan standing by Dylan's locker and chatting away. I waddled in their direction yearning to ask them if they had seen Britney.

“Have you guys seen Britney?” I inquired the instant I got to them.

They both puckered their foreheads as if alarmed by what I just asked them”

“We were actually waiting for you to ask the same of you. Britney's mom has been calling Eric nonstop to ask if he has seen or heard from her. We tried calling her phone, but it asserts switch off. I got alarmed and fished my phone out of my bag. Britney was not one to just disappear like that even with all the pressure from home.

Britney's home was full of being curbed and committing according to what you are instructed. Her mom was a director at a popular law firm and her dad owned a car dealing company which was very successful until two years ago when it went bankrupt after getting caught on fire. She had lived through it all her life, so I don't think she would just fade away like that, maybe she had something come up and went to attend to it. But on the other hand, her mom suddenly calling during school period meant something was up. I phoned her number, and it was just as they were saying.

"what if...” Eric began slowly.

“What if she left because she had something to take care of” I cut Eric off amid his sentence, knowing exactly what he was about to blurt out. They both looked at me, realization dawning on them.

Britney's POV~~

After being instructed to go, by the police officers, I drove up to the mountain top near the sea, my favorite peaceful spot no one, but I knew about. I switched off my phone and sat in the car crying my heart out, all the bitterness I felt for my mom resurfacing. I just wanted to be away from everyone.

I always acted courageously and organized in front of everyone like I had nothing to worry about when in fact I was withering inside me from all the pressure I felt. I mostly babbled to Eva when something was up, I knew she didn't give a fuck about my personal life since she had her own ghouls to worry about, but I always felt a bit okay talking to Eva about my problems, even if she didn't genuinely care didn't care. I had to like to think of Eva has my best friend, honestly we were both two disturbed teenagers who had only each other to rely on and simulate we were perfect friends. I realized Eva had a softer spot for Scarlet than she admits, they had been best friends before I even came into the picture.

And today, the only person I could talk to is part of my problem. I don't plan on talking to her anytime soon, it wasn't her fault, but I knew I couldn't look at her without glimpsing her dad through her.

“You should have known!” I hit my head on the wheel continuously.

I remember when I used to see Mr Anderson talking to my mom, I thought they were too close, but I always shrugged it off since he was my best friend's dad after all, and they may be discussing something concerning Eva and I, but I guess I was wrong. I looked out the window and noticed that it was getting dark, but I still didn't feel like going home. Fresh tears started flowing from my eyes again, I knew I would have to go home some way or the other to avoid any suspicion from my dad.

Ian's POV~~

I was strolling down the hallways to the parking lot when I noticed Eva, Dylan and Eric standing there with deterring looks on their faces. I wrinkled my eyes together in a hunch, I wanted to go to them and ask why the long faces but had second thoughts about it.

“Well, if they called me why not?” I thought to myself and shrugged. I walked bypass them pretending to look at something on my phone.


“Huh” I turned to look in Eva's direction.

“Have you by chance seen Brit anywhere??” She asked with a little tiny bit of concern on her face. I scoffed at her question.

“Why was she asking me about Brit? Were they not deemed to be hanging out together all the time.” I heard myself say within.

Eva caught on, she knew that question coming from her was debatable.

“She was not in class since the last period and her mom is asking of her whereabouts” she explained.

I scrunched my face at what she had just told me. Suddenly, my phone tingled, and I pulled it out of my pocket with myneyes still fixed on Eva. I looked at it and raised my head to look at the rest, but it seemed they all got the same message. Suddenly, my phone started buzzing, and I saw Scarlet's name. I answered the call and she told me she and Selena had received the same message.




We stared at each other with concern and a new resolution. We knew what we had to do from now... Find the copycat...together!