Chapter 27

Scarlet's POV-~~

They all gaped at me not sure of what I was getting at. I inhaled deeply, ready to explain, but Eva beat me to the talking.

“I can't go to jail for this... No” she shouted, talking for the first time while biting on her phone which was in her hand.

“No one is going to jail for anything okay, We are not going to tell them about Heather, just the thing about Britney leaving the school and the message we received from a stalker,” I added.

“That will raise questions at my family as to what kind of message I received,” Brit said, her eyes flashed with apprehension.

We contended about the issue for a while when unawares, a whack on the door startled us.

“Did you invite someone else here?” Ian inquired, looking at me with a questioning look. I slowly shook my head. I got up from the chair and made my way gradually to the door. I peeped through the hole in the door and no one was there. I gaped behind me at the rest and Eric gave me an approving nod.

My hand shivered as I lunged for the door reluctantly. My entire body jerked with panic as the door cracked open. There was no one just like before. I looked at the ground and I saw a parcel right in front of the doorstep. I bent down and took it with hesitation.

“Bang” I shut the door behind me and joined the rest. All eyes present stared at the parcel which was now on the table.

“Umm____I___I'm not sure if we should open this parcel. What if there was an explosive or something in it” Eva flinched, with her eyes fixed on the parcel.

Everyone seemed to agree. I took it and dropped it in the basement. And that closed the case of the mystery parcel.


It's another Monday, and we were all in school, meanwhile it's been a week since we attended Dylan's funeral.

It became the hottest topic in school, everyone coming up with their own story about his death.

Fortunately for us, no one learned about the whole story, which freed us from critics and queries in school from fellow students and some inquisitive teachers. Investigations were still ongoing, which made everything about Dylan's death confidential. We were called in by a detective for questioning a day after the funeral, and we all glued to the plan we came up with. So at least, we thought we had the police off our backs until...

“Hello pupils, the following students should go to the waiting room. Scarlet Smith, Eva Anderson, Selena Scott, Ian Thompson, Eric Matt, and finally Britney Ash. There will be someone waiting for you, that's all, the class may resume.” The principal finished up as abruptly as he started.

I was still seated until I caught a glimpse of the teacher's eyes on me.

I grabbed my bag and walked out of the class with the eyes of students feasted behind my back. Among all the names mentioned, I was the only one in the Spanish class, so my guess was the rest would be out too.

I made my way to the waiting room and just as I thought, they were all standing at the entrance. I joined in and we all entered the area.

The first thing that caught attention was the bulgy body of a man sitting on the edge of the only table in the room. He threw a smile in our way.

“Sit” He ordered. I glanced at Selena while furrowing my brows making them meet at the center of my forehead. We each took our sits which was facing directly across the unidentified person.

“I'm detective Bullock” he pulled out a badge and showed it to us.”

“I'm from the investigation realm solving Dylan's murder and I believe you were the friends who were present at the time of the explosion.” He finally paused, waiting for an answer.

“Y...yeah, but umm-- we already gave our statements.” I stepped in, speaking for us all.

“I know, but some things still don't add up. Like who texted the message of your meeting place and what the person wants from you kids.” He stated, and that made the rate of my heartbeat stimulate.

“Is this an interrogation or a witness statement?” Eric looked at him with a sharp stare.

“I just need to know a few things to help quicken the investigation, so we get the murder. Is that not what you want? For your friend's murderer to be brought to justice?” the detective returned the same intense gaze.

“Well, we had like to leave if there are no more questions.” Eric pointed at the door with his thumb.

The detective chuckled.” Sure, you can go. But remember, I have got my eyes on you kids.” We got up and left the room just in time for lunch break. We all headed straight to the cafeteria.

“Do you think we looked guilty back there?” Selena asked still shaken.

“Why would we?we haven't done anything wrong.” I gave her a stern but assuring look.

“That cop acted like we were suspects or something”

“Look, we didn't do anything wrong, except leave Heather's name out of the picture”

I said.

“We promised we had never bring up Heather's name again, remember?” Eva's outburst made me fume. I lowered and pulled my eyebrow closer together till my eyelids squinted.

“Well, did you quit hitting her when I tried to stop you back then?” I asked. She went mute. “I thought so” I added following her silence.

“I guess you have found a way to forget about the incident, but guess what? I haven't okay. I still wake up in the middle of the night...”

“I said I was sorry and besides I still think about it okay”

“Well, that won't bring her back, will it?” I continued to judge her with my stare.

I don't think this is the right time or place for this conversation. Selena who sat across me said, motioning behind me with her eyes. I swiveled my neck and saw Lucas walking in our direction with Amy right behind him. They seemed close. Too close for my liking.

“Hey” he perked my lip. It's been a while since you checked on your boyfriend. He said with an intense stare. I barely said anything and just sat there, feeling guilty about everything.

“Hi” Amy came at my side acting gaily as usual. I smiled at her, but it didn't reach my eyes. Seeing her very close to my boyfriend wasn't pleasing to me.

I lifted my head and caught a glimpse of the rest of the group gawking at me. They had no idea I was dating anyone.

“Can we talk alone?” I asked Lucas.

“Yeah sure”

He helped me up and we left the cafeteria. We were halfway from the cafeteria to the halls and without any of us saying anything.

“I thought about you all day. Are you okay?” Lucas broke the silence.

“I will be”

“It's hard to lose someone you are close to, even if that was in the past. And the fact that, you guys had witnessed it makes it worse.”

The moment the latter sentence came out if his mouth I froze making him halt too.

“How did you know we were there when it happened?” I turned to him with a questioning look. He frowned and had a blank look on his face like he didn't understand a word I said.