My heart was racing faster than Usain Bolt and my mind was in frenzy. The only thought that was on mind was how to get out of this situation. Tear stained faces of kids and furious and worried Benji were the only pictures that pop up in my head. God, I am such an ignorant idiot bitch. If only I had listened to Benji and Cody. Oh no! Cody! He was going to die in the hands of Benji. And this all was only my fault. I am so sorry Cody. A fresh wave of tear started running down my cheeks.

A large hand grabbed my face again and I met furious blue eyes. Cameron tugged harshly and turned my head to the tinted window. My blurry eyes took a moment to adjust the vision, widening in fear as soon as they saw the scene outside.

The man in the black suit that was one of my kidnappers was talking to a little boy. I looked around in panic and soon realised that we were parked in the parking lot of SCHOOL. The same school where all kids study. Correction, where MY kids were studying. And that man was talking to a little boy with blonde hair and chubby cheeks, accompanied by twins. And that was none other than Jack. Shit. Shit. Shit!

I leaned towards the window trying to free myself from the vice grasp of Cameron, screaming loudly in hope that somehow any of them would hear my voice.

"now, now... Look there, Fire. Do you recognise those innocent faces?" his voice was dripping with evilness as he hissed in my ear, tightening his grip on me.

That man was talking to them something crouching down to their level as girls were looking at him with confusion. He put his hand in his suit pocket and my heart skipped a beat. Oh no! what was he doing? My mind swirled with all the possibilities, which were not any near to good at all. I released my breath that I was unaware of holding when he pulled out chocolates from his pocket, offering them to kids.

Jack's eyes twinkled with happiness at the sight of sugary goodness. But Lilly shook her head and whispered something in his ear making him deny the offer, unwillingly. I saw the girls shaking their head in denial and backing away from the man. But he was persistent and was not letting them go.

I searched around frantically for any help or elder kids but there was no one in my sight. I was so proud of Lilly because of her wise decision and equally angry at elder kids because they were not there to protect them even after I warned them to do so. My body was shaking in fear as I saw the face of man went red with anger and the change in his demeanour.

"Please, let them go. You are upset with me then let's settle it between us but please leave my kids out of this. They don't have anything to do with this." I was sobbing hysterically at this point. Angry at myself that I defied Benji's orders, frustrated that I was feeling helpless and weak, begging for mercy in front of these monsters, scared thinking if any of the kids got hurt.

"Only you can save them, Bria Maxwell. Sign the papers and we will let you and your kids go in one piece. Otherwise..." I didn't miss the dangerous glint in those blue eyes.

"How could you? How could you use innocent kids to get to me? they are just small kids for god's sake. You guys are no human. I am sure no one you have any kid of their own or otherwise you would have thought twice before doing something like this" I spat in disgust at these shitty excuse for human beings.

I saw something flashed on the face of another guy, Gabriel.

"don't waste my time, Fire. Just sign the damn papers. Or you will have to dig graves for your loved ones. I will-" Cameron was cut off by the ringing of his phone.

He let out a frustrated sigh before pulling his phone out of his pocket. His face turned straight in a flash as his eyes land on the caller ID.

He received the call "King". My eyebrows raised hearing it and I felt the lump formed in my throat.

I watched as Cameron sat there holding his phone in one hand and me in his other, still on his lap, may I add. Looking directly in my eyes with stony expressions.

"she is here."


"yes, King. She will sign the papers right now." Cameron gave me the look saying 'say-no-and-i-will-rip-your-heart-out-with-my-bare-hands'.

I turned my head to see the man holding Lillian's hand with force and Jack crying his eyes out, while Lilly was trying to push that man away from them. They were at the secluded part of school ground hidden behind the well-maintained bushes. What the hell they were doing there in the first place?

"no. no. please. Don't. leave them alone you, dog." I started thrashing wildly in the small space, crying and screaming.

"yes, King. It's her. She is a... um... a little ball of fire." Cameron gave me an annoyed look. "Yes, King. I will take care of everything. Ok." he put his phone on the speaker instead of cutting the call and handed it to the pigface, Kyle.

"you have two minutes exactly to sign these papers and your time starts now," Cameron said coldly and nodded at the other man who was sitting beside me before.

He opened the door and hopped out, running to help the man to handle the children. Kyle smirked at me and thrust the papers and pen in my lap. I felt my blood ran cold when I saw those two giants were fighting with my babies. I was looking at the kids and papers simultaneously, reckoning my brain. I wish Benji was here to help me.

"Thirty seconds left," Gabriel grumbled showing his expensive watch.

I picked up the pen and looked at three faces without any trace of emotion. I gulped down biting my lower lip and placed the pen hesitantly on the paper thinking defeated. But then my eyes landed on the unlocked door. Time was running fast and I knew I have to make my choice quickly. Cameron has loosened his grip on me considerably when I picked the pen.

Never down your guards. Benji's voice ran in my ears.

"five- four- three- two-" before Gabriel could finish his counting I picked up the papers and tore them in half, throwing the torn pieces on Cameron's face. Before any of them comprehend the situation, too shocked to even blink their eyes, I grabbed Cameron's family jewel and twisted it with all the force. An ear-splitting cry echoed throughout the small space, making other two men widen their eyes in utter horror. With my second arm, I punched Kyle on the exact spot where he already had a nasty bruise from our last encounter. Gabriel growled in anger and leapt towards me but before they could do anything, I grabbed Kyle's gun from his waistband which was tucked there carelessly. I opened the door while pointing the gun at them and hopped out of the car locking the door from outside.

I fired in the air as a warning when I saw the two men dragging kids towards the van. All three of them were crying hysterically but as soon as their gaze landed on me, a wave of relief washed over their faces.

"Briaaa..." they screamed in unison with hope in their eyes that I would save them.

"Get your dirty hands off of my kids," I growled in anger pointing the gun directly at the two men.

"Bria... please help us. They hurt us." Kids were pleading for help and the anger boiled inside me watching their tear-stained faces.

I heard the opening of the door followed by heavy footsteps behind me. Cameron, Gabriel and Kyle were standing there with flaring nostrils and the look in their eyes that was screaming bloody murder. Of course, I didn't think about locking the door of another side in a hurry. Stupid Bria!

I fired again pointing the gun at Cameron without thinking twice. The bullet hit the car behind him making Gabriel and Kyle jumped out of the way. Thank god these shitheads were thoughtful of using the gun with a silencer. Cameron didn't even flinch as he stood there throwing daggers at me with his eyes. He still had the phone in his hand. And I could hear incoherent loud noises from the other side. I guess, the mighty King was angry. Good!

"I will not hesitate to blow you dear Cameron's head into shreds. Don't make me do the things which only you will regret. Leave the kids." I warned in a hard voice.

Both the men who were scared for their life looked at Cameron for orders. Gabriel tried to reach for a gun at his back when I shot him in the left leg. Thanks to my bad aim, the bullet passed scratching his leg, blood gushing out from his calf. He dropped down on the ground with a scream filled with pain. Kyle ran towards him to help. But Cameron stood there like a statue. The yelling from the phone rose after Gabriel's scream. Tears started running his eyes and beads of sweat formed on his forehead.

With a frantically beating heart, I pointed the gun towards now pale faces who were pleading silently to Cameron to give the orders.

I can't believe I shot someone for real! it was a sin to hurt someone but I had no choice than to commit it to save my kids' lives.

"now.. now... Camera. Do you want me to shed more blood?" I smirked when his right eye twitched in anger at the nickname I used for him. I don't know why I called him Camera instead of any other curse word. It just slipped out of my mouth. but I totally liked the reaction at the name and hence, I liked the name.

After a staredown of one whole minute he nodded his head ever so slightly that I thought my eyes were not functioning properly to not catch the subtle movement. Happy voices filled the tensed atmosphere and small frames wrapped their hands around my legs and waist.

"now get the fuck out of my face and never bothered to come back. Give my message to your dickhead King. Go. To. Hell." With that I backed away from the men, still pointing the gun at them and shouted at kids to run to the front of the school where these idiots would not dare to attack us in front of people. After throwing the last glance at their way and making sure that kids were away at the safe distance, I broke into run following them. After some distance, I threw the metallic object as if it was a horrifying lizard.

Those furious and cold blue eyes were going to haunt me for nights for sure.


I saw her retreating frame running as fast as she could, passively. My fingers tightened around the phone as I clenched my jaw. Handling the pissed off King was a troublesome task as we were not really used to face such shameful incidence in our business. After getting done with the call we took Gabriel back to the base where our doctor treated his wounds.

"I told you she is one hell of a bitch!" Kyle cursed running his hand through his hair.

"What do you think King will do now?" Gabriel directed his question at me.

I put down the file which contained all of her information that we collected before approaching her. I sighed at the thought of facing King after all that happened. "I don't know. But one thing I know for sure is that whatever King will do, Miss Bria Maxwell is going to regret her every action. King will make sure of it"

Now it was time to sit back and witness another tale of destruction by King.