I pretended that I did not notice it and I was just wandering around the house. I got back in the living room and felt my heartbeat slow down to normal. I decided to watch the TV for some time. I was in dire need of some distraction otherwise my brain would explode with a boom.

The 60 inches smart TV was adorned on the white wall in the middle. I could bet that its cost might be equal to my family's six months' budget. Beside it was a black coloured tall lamp. Large sliding glass doors were giving the beautiful look of outside greenery.

I plopped down on the comfortable couch and grabbed the remote, switching on the TV. The screen flickered on and a dialogue box popped open, asking for the security password.

Are you kidding me? Who puts a password in their fucking TV?! What if you have a visitor and they want to watch the TV? What if you lose your memory and forget the password? This is ridiculous!