I asked a simple question about who Adam's mother was to Nora and as usual she avoided to answer me. That made me suspicious that she was hiding something from me. Since then I was constantly bugging her to answer me.

"What's wrong with you Nora? You can't tell me shit about him. You can't tell me anything about their business. And now this. Why can't you tell me anything, huh? I told you that I will not ask anything about him but I know there is something wrong between Adam and Gabriel. I can feel it. I don't care whether it's your place to tell me or not but I want answers and I will get them anyway."

I turned to leave but got stopped by Nora.

She took a moment to think. "I know you will go and ask Gabriel directly which I am sure will not result in anything good. So, it will be better if I tell you. Come." She said dejectedly. I win!

She directed us to a corner in the kitchen. I hopped on the kitchen counter, and Nora pulled a chair for herself to sit on it.