The tension in the air dispersed. I didn't continue talking as I wanted to finish my coffee. Also I was tired to do anything and wanted to dive in the warmth of the bed.

"We met in this party six years ago. First couple of meetings were coincidences."

I kept quiet and listened intently when I realised that Gabriel was talking about his past and Jessica.

"We had some common acquaitances. We talked couple of times and got to know each other. She was a sweet girl, always smiling, caring and full of light and her beauty was the bonus. We started spending more time together and I don't know how and when I fell hard for her.

I was scared that she would reject me because of who I am but one day I dared to propose her. That was the best thing I have ever done in my life. We got married after a year. We had a normal love story, normal dreams and normal hopes except she was a princess and I was a monster. But she never cared about it."