"Anthony this is your last warning. Let the girl go." Cameron took one more step towards us. But the hold on me was tightened by Anthony.

"hmm... a precious girl for King. That's never heard of. Tell me, sweetheart. Who are you? His new flavour of the month? Oh, don't tell me you provide your services not only to the mighty King but also to his two loyal dogs." His words made me sick, and hot tears gathered in my eyes. I have been called many names in my life, but no one ever tried to taint my chastity like this. Benji made sure of it.

I clenched my fists. "You bastard. Leave me and then I will show you what services I can provide. And don't you dare to call me his slut or I will kill you with your gun." I started thrashing in his hold but to no avail.

He hummed in amusement. "Feisty. I must say King have some taste. Where is your boss, Jones? Too scared to not come and help this damsel in distress?" He laughed like a sick pig.