I opened my eyes to greet with darkness. I managed to get out of the bed and turned on the lights. My eyes closed shut due to the sudden brightness but adjusted to it afterwards. My throat was dry, and my eyes were stinging. I looked around the familiar room and a sigh of relief escaped my lips. I saw a glass of water placed on the nightstand and drank it in one go. Nora must have put it here.

I had fresh clothes on my body, and I thanked Nora again for changing my yesterday's wet clothes. Spending a whole day in wet, tight jeans was no joke. I yawned stretching my limbs in the air. My legs were aching from yesterday's running.

I went to the bathroom and splashed some cold water on my face. My body was paining, and the head was heavy. I remembered what happened before. I remembered the sick words Anthony and his son Jason said about me. I remembered them pointing their guns at me. And I remembered the three shots that He fired to kill Jason.