After pondering over my decision and a little encouragement from Nora, I stood in front of Bria's room. I slide aside the thought of backing out and entered her room. I had to face her one day. I couldn't avoid her forever.

She was sleeping on the bed, looking peaceful, and innocent. I sat on a chair beside the bed, staring at her sleeping form. The left side of her forehead covered in a bandage. My hand instinctively reached to her head, and I ran my fingers through her soft wavy hair. She stirred a little in the sleep. My heart won the battle with my brain, window to the memory lane was opened wide. Painful, yet beautiful memories.

"I -I am s-sorry, Fire."

I couldn't do this anymore. I decided to leave before I brake down right then and there. With a last look at her, I stood up to leave but stopped when a delicate small hand encircled my wrist. I stiffened at the sudden touch and glanced back.

"Hi, Camera. Where are you going?" Bria's voice was groggy.