I screamed in horror when a dark figure moved in our direction. A gunshot pierced through the silence of the night. Cameron ducked at the right time and pushed me to another side of the car.

"What the fuck?" I managed to push my words out of the mouth.

Cameron cursed under his breath and gazed at me. I could tell that he was also as shocked as me with this attack. Another gunshot fired in our direction, but we took shelter behind the car. Cameron slowly peeked around the car and cursed again. I dared to crane my neck to see more dark figures moving in our direction.

Is this how I was going to die?

"Bria, hey. Look at me. We are under attack."

"Really? I thought we were playing hide and seek." I couldn't help with sarcasm.

Cameron chose not to give me a befitting reply.

"Just do as I say. Ok? I have my gun with me, but I don't think that will be enough. My phone is in the car. We have to inform King, and get outta here as soon as possible."