I expected him to back away after hearing my response, but he didn't budge.

"Why?" His hot breath fanned my face causing havoc in my mind.

"I d-don't know" I was still holding my breath with closed eyes praying him to stop with this torture.

But the luck was not on my side, I guess.


"Uh?" I gave him a dumbfounded look, not understanding the meaning behind his words.

"How do you know when I am staring at you?"

His question caught me off-guard. My mind was already not in a condition to function efficiently. And now he chose this time to play questions with me.

I watched his painfully handsome face that showed no emotions. "I just... feel it. It feels like you have the lasers in your eyes that burn me whenever you stare at me for longer than three seconds..."

I wanted to smack myself for falling into his trap, but his presence enchanted me to keep aside the rational part of me.