
We broke into a run after Cameron told his guards to look around for some more clues or anyone suspicious. Not even for a second Cameron loosened his grip on my hand as we ran through the woods tossing the branches and obstacles in the way. My heart was beating frantically at the thought of something bad happened to the devil.

I seriously needed a cardiac specialist to examine what was wrong with this idiotic organ of mine.

As we neared the house, we saw everything ordinary as men were alert on their assigned positions. As they saw us running like a tiger was chasing us, they pulled out their weapons to take action. Cameron didn't wait to explain anything and shouted to be alert and look for anything out of place.

We stopped when we finally reached our destination which was my room. When we opened the door in Avenger's style we saw the devil relaxing in a chair with closed eyes. The same chair where I spent the last night.