I fisted my hands in anger. Now I knew what I had to do.

I ordered for the medical examination of the dead body by our trusted doctors. I got back to the head office and headed directly to the IT department.

"Any news?" I asked as soon as I entered the room that was filled with all the advanced technology, gadgets, computers and some of the best hackers of states.

"Sir, we have finally tracked the location you asked for."

I took a seat beside the woman, who typed some keys on the keyboard, and a screen flashed with a map of Europe.

"It was a difficult task as the GPS that you told to track was well secured. There... the location is in the southern part of Italy." She showed it on the screen.

"get me a more detailed location."

"Yes sir."

Yesss! Finally, I got the exact location of King.

"But sir. The location is the same from the last two days. And its a shop. A jewellery shop." The woman informed me.