"But- but you said that no one knows about your condition and all those who knew they are all dead," I said in confusion.

"You told her everything?" Paulo stared at the devil in surprise.

"Yes. But only what she needs to know. Now if you will excuse us, we have some unfinished business here." Devil glanced at me, making my heart beat faster.

I looked at Paulo for help, but he nodded his head after saying "I hope you are sure about what you are doing." He left without looking back and closed the door behind him.

What did he mean by that?

"Miss Maxwell"

"huh?" I jumped out of my skin to found his face close to mine. A way too close.

"Don't come near me. I swear I will fucking stab your eyes and make you blind for rest of your life if you come near me." I backed away from him as he took steady steps towards me like a predator on the hunt.