"Samuel, stop. Let her be alone for a while" I heard Caroline's voice before I got into the room and closed the door behind me.

I cried for hours until my throat got thirsty and tear ducts emptied. I looked out of the window as the sky painted in pink and blue hues. I stepped outside onto the balcony, watching the sun setting behind the horizon. The breeze felt cold against my hot skin.

"Hi" a soft voice ran in my ear, and Samuel appeared beside me.

I bit my lower lip "hi!" I made sure to keep a safe distance between us as I was not sure of what I thought about him.

"Sorry, I came inside without your permission. But I was worried about you and thought that you must be hungry as you didn't eat breakfast. So I came with food." He said in his thick voice with an evident Italian accent.

My heart betrayed my resolve at the sight of food. "Thanks. I was hungry and-"

"You love food especially anything chocolaty" he showed me a chocolate pastry that made my mouth watered.