Our problems increased with the arrival of kids. It slipped from my mind that kids could get involved in this mess. We couldn't act recklessly as our wrong actions could put their lives in danger. I was displeased with Benjamin Lachat. How could he leave the responsibility of kids with his son. He should have kept them with him at his house. He has done that then we wouldn't be in this situation.

"Don't you fucking dare to touch them." Benjamin got punched in the face when he tried to fight with Mancini's men to reach to the kids.

"Oh don't worry, Mr Lachat. I will not hurt them just now. The show has just begun... there are a lot of surprises yet to come. Right King?" I exhaled harshly, as I wanted to shed his blood.

"Enough! Let go of everyone and deal with me only. They are innocents and have nothing to do with me" I said in a commanding voice, listening enough of his shit.