Everyone halted in their place when Kyle got a hold of me by putting his gun on my head. I saw many dead bodies scattered around. The whole place was coloured in red, making the bile rose in my throat. I closed my eyes, taking deep breaths to keep it at bay.

"Kyle... you are doing a mistake" Gabriel warned him, sweat dripping from his forehead.

"I said put your guns down, Gabriel" Kyle pressed the gun further on my head.

"No... don't hurt her. We will put the weapons down" Cameron glanced at Gabriel, and they put the weapons down along with Paulo.

"You... I am going to kill you" Juan shouted, stepping towards us.

My eyes widened. Kyle was blinded by the thirst to avenge his father's death and he would not hesitate to harm Juan even if he was innocent if he tried to get in his way. "Juan... no. Please. Stop there!" I requested in a panic not trusting Kyle to go easy on him after what he did to Benji.