Spend Time Together

The shopping team manage to finishes their task easily. Tamaki tells them after they finish load their things into the back of the car, “You guys can return back first as I’m planning to search something for Aria-chan.” With that, he just walks away from them.

“You guys always come here?” ask Yurio. He notices there is no awkwardness from Aria’s male friends when they in the supermarket and even casually greet few people.

“Yeah since we had come here once for one of our project and totally fall in love with their scenery. From there, we always come here wherever we want to unwind.” Say Raiden. After everyone reach back to the car, he starts the engine and drive away from there. He could see some people recognize idols with them and know his decision to make that girl stay home is correct thing.


Everyone wonder what happen as it clear something happen with Aria nowhere can be see and Ryouhei looks a bit depress at living room. When they ask, that guy only reply, “She’s noisy about wanting to eat something sweet and not wanting to go to sleep.”

Raiden ask Ryouhei to help him to prepare ingredient while others clean up the area. He casually asks that idol, “You’re the one who in relationship with Aria-chan, right?”

Ryouhei gasps as he thinks the only people who know about his love relationship with Aria are her mom, Rin, and Keitarou. Raiden casually says, “Aria-chan doesn’t tell us but I just make a guess since she look really happy these past few days from mail that she send. She is not someone who like to use weird emoji unless she in love with some other fictional character.”

“Even you say like that, we’re no longer in relationship. Thing’s too complicated right now.” Ryouhei say that without want to elaborate about that topic. Those words also inform him that not to touch that topic in front her either.

They catch sound s of someone’s footsteps and it is Karina. Tamaki casually greet her, “You look really ugly right now!”

“Oh! I can totally do that to you too if you want!” scowl Aria while crosses her arms. That clearly show that she really annoy at that moment. Ryouhei wonder what happen as the last time he checks on her, she still deep asleep.

Miroku appear with teary eyes and holding his arm that has bruise that make Tamaki scold him but his voice sound too calm that only double the effect, “That’s your own fault. You must be walking into the room with loud voice that wake her up abruptly and you get pooch from her, right?”

Karina says in dark tone, “I only want to sleep a bit longer… my dream even at the best part too…”

Ryouhei surprise to hear that, “I never know your punch could hurt a guy, Aria-chan.”

Aria seem really annoy to hear that as evil smirk appear on her face while saying, “You can try if you want, Ryo-chan.”

“Don’t provoke her when she’s really annoyed or you will get bruise. The only people who could escape safely are only Rai-chan and Tama-chan.” Warn Miroku.

Raiden casually says, “You need to mind your distance only.”

Aria seem ready to jump down to attack someone but Tamaki appear at the kitchen and says, “Let’s put that aside as I bought your favourite ice-cream cake.” That bring happy smile to her and jump up and down like little girl.

Tamaki helps Aria to grab the ice-cream and spoon before bring her out from the kitchen. Miroku whines, “It’s your fault, Raiden! It was you who taught her that punch!”

“I only taught her that for her own safety.” Raiden say that.


“Karina-chan, you never inform me that you are actually childhood friend with one of famous people.” Tamaki says that while he browses the channel.

Karina put aside the ice-cream and says, “It was our decision not to touch our relationship openly in public. Me, Ryo-chan and Rin-chan, knows things may turn into other way if we admit it openly.”

“It sounds like they want to protect you.” Tamaki say that since he knows about Rin after he accompanies that girl to watch that dancer’s performance once.

When notice that girl stop eating the ice-cream, he casually asks, “Want to go annoy Raiden or Miroku?”

“We should do the worse.” Snicker Karina but before they could plan anything, Miroku appear and says, “Karina-chan, we should get ready for the BBQ. You should be the cutest girl in the house.”

“I’m the only girl among you guys right now!” Karina tries to retort but that guy doesn’t listen to her and pull her to somewhere, leaving Tamaki alone with the tub of ice-cream.


“I bet Miroku leave you alone again.” Raiden make the comment.

Tamaki open the freezer to keep the ice-cream back with sulk and says, “He never let me to join them.”

“Even Miroku let you to join them; I will offer myself to drag you out from there. You’re lucky that she’s immune with your flirtness, playboy.” Raiden casually say that snarky comment.

Ryouhei become annoy to hear that and says, “There is no way I will let such a playboy to get close with Karina-chan. I don’t want her to get mesmerize with him and he only play with her heart!”

“You don’t have to worry about that because Miroku surely kick him and may even place restraint order on him, for her.” Raiden say that. He knows his friend want to whine, he shut his mouth and says in cold voice, “I won’t let that matter never happen and you think I don’t know the identities of your 4 girlfriends?”

“Don’t say like that~!” Tamaki quickly change his attitude as he begins pleading to that guy who solely focuses on cutting meat but that only last for few minutes because that guy dangerously point the knife to him.

Yurio casually ask Tamaki about one of the things that they miss that manage to distract him from whining more. Ryouhei comment in low voice, “It seem like you’re the dad in the group.”

“If no one handles them, things could become chaos easily.” Raiden replies that. They finishes prepare the ingredient and bring it outside.


Aria and Miroku join them a bit later and everyone’s gasps to see that girl dresses differently. Miroku happily says, “I know it is correct choice for me to bring this dress for her! She looks like goddess”

Light blush can be seen clearly on face even there thin layer of makeup. That light blue flowing dress brings the different side of her who rarely wear something that brings out her beauty. She says, “You guys don’t have to stare me like that. I must look weird, right?”

Ryouhei snap off and says, “It’s not like that. You look different as you never wear that.”

“Miroku loves to dress her up.” Raiden say that.

“You should accept me as your lover and I can help you look like goddess every day.” Tamaki casually flirt with her while holding her by waist. That is normal for them as it happen every time and the usual reaction is Aria casually push him off.

Everyone else except for Tamaki could see Ryouhei become annoy by seconds and he’s ready to give a good smack to that guy but before that guy manage to get near to that flirty guy, a loud grumble echoes the area and they turn towards Aria. That girl shyly says, “I have only eat ice-cream ever since arrive here~!”

Everyone laugh with that accidental distraction and Raiden says, “Just eat fruits first while I’m cooking the meat.”

Tamaki want to bring her to the seat but Ryouhei quickly pull her away from him and tell him, “I can show her the seat.” He brings her to seat on the chair and make sure that guy won’t get closer while he’s helping Raiden to cook.

Miroku amuse to watch that and take the chance to tease that guy, “Today is not your luck because the princess has knight by her side. Peasant can only watch from far.”

Irk make appear on Tamaki’s head when hear how his friend clearly mocking him and headlock him while say, “If I’m the peasant, you will be lower than me! How dare you call someone dashing like me, a peasant?”

“I call you like that because you’re.” Miroku say that loud while try to escape that lock but fail.

Keitarou watches that interaction and worry when see that become rough that make him wonder if he should interrupt or not. He turn to Aria for conformation and that girl give casual reply, “Just ignore them as they always fight. Even we already grow up; those two still high school brats.”


After eating, Aria offer herself to clean up and wash everything they use with help from Keitarou. He tries to make some conversation with her, “Have you chat anything with Rin-chan?”

“We chat when she has time since she told me that she wants to put focus on her lessons. There are times she whines about the food since I used to prepare it for her.” Aria says that. She finishes watches the utensils and Keitarou take it to dry it.

She gets an idea and says, “Hey! We should go there and make surprise visit her.”

“You can go there with Ryouhei. Things still awkward between me and her and even if I surprise her…”Keitarou has try to get contact with that girl but she keep avoiding him and he knows it would be impossible just to go straight to meet her due to their identities as entertainer.

In their world, being single is what sell the most as their fans may imagine their chances to be with them and willing to buy everything that has their names on it. There are cases where one entertainer reveal that he has been marry with someone in secret for few years and the reception from his fans is not good where most of them declare they stop being fans that also cause losses of big contract of that entertainer.

He’s not worry about the reaction if anyone knows what happen between them before but he doesn’t want anything happen to her. He knows how she works hard to prove to everyone that she can do it and he want to appreciate that side of hers.

He quickly say when sense awkward atmosphere from her, “Ryouhei can help you while you’re there since he can speak Korean and your parent can put trust on him since he’s your lover.”

“Both of us already return back to childhood friend. Maybe it would better to be that way.” Aria says that.

After that, Ryouhei and his friends have to excuse themselves since they have to return back to Tokyo as they already another plan. He ruffles Aria’s hair before says, “Make sure to create distance with that flashy guy and if he tries to do anything weird, just punch him where the sun shines.”

Tamaki could hear that and loudly retort, “I can hear that!”

While watching the car disappear, Miroku says, “I will make sure to guard you while you’re sleeping tonight… by your bed.”

Raiden quickly says, “None of you will get near her room tonight!” that only make the other two whine and Aria chuckles.