“Are you okay?” Keitarou ask that when notice that girl return there with sour look on her face.
“Why some people willing to get into such a troublesome thing despite could become great person just by focus do thing that they love?” Aria asks that as she takes seat beside him.
Keitarou accidentally let out tiny chuckles that he quickly covers with his script since he never imagine that girl could think about something like that. He gives the answer to her question, “Maybe that person just wants some distraction as he doesn’t want to think so much about what happen in his life. That’s only my guess.”
“I can never understand that!” Aria puff her cheeks before take sip of her drink. She remembers something and asks, “You will go disturb Ryo-chan again after this?”
“Why you make it sound like I love to do that?” Keitarou retort as he lightly hit that girl with his roll-up script before says, “But yeah, I will go there since we want to discuss about the new song.”