Jungkook long pressed one on his speed dial and brought the phone to his ear. He could not wait to tell Jimin the good news and make arrangements for him to come down and meet his father. Everything was right in the world now that he had talked to his dad. He would invite Jimin over for the weekend and have him enjoy some time on the beach while he visited. The phone rang for a while and went to voicemail, “Hi, this is Jimin, I cannot come to the phone right now but leave a message after the beep and I will get back to you as soon as I can.”
Jungkook checked his watch and he further got confused. Jimin never let the phone ring more than three times, especially if it was him calling. He always had his phone on him either playing one of the many games he had on it or watching cat videos on YouTube. He imagined him curled up on their favourite sofa, phone close to his nose giggling away.