My way back from the market I see my friend working towards me. I quickly avoids her so she could not give me any money and make jest of me because of how I look and also when she sees me like this she will know I got robbed.
I didn't what that cause I don't want her to think I am begging. I quickly hide behind the building.
What if she saw me, I really need to go home before anyone sees me so I can get me phone and go straight to the police station.
I took a bike to my house I ate my breakfast, I changed the dress I wore and grabbed my phone.
I trekked to the police station to report my case, I reached there and saw two police men there.
"Hello, what do you want little girl?", one of the policemen said with a British accent, wearing a blue coloured uniform, he was very tall and huge with bears.
"Please may I ask you something before I proceed did you go to London?", I asked curiously.
"Yes I did, I studied my university there", he answered still with this British accent.
"Okay", I said, "So why did you ask?", the policeman said. "Nothing, just curious, why are you now a policeman, I though you will be in a high position by now", I said.
"Ya but the Nigeria economy, but I want to save enough money to start up my own business, Okay let's stop all this, why did you come here what happened?", the police man continued.
"I was on my way home, well I didn't go through a taxi because I didn't have money, I walked slowly to my house and notice that three people where tailing me ....".
"Wait", he said before I continued, "Since you notice that they were tailing you why did you not call us immediately?", he asked.
"Well, I didn't go with my phone", I answered, "Okay, you can continued", he proceeded.
"So they came to me and started bulling me, telling me that do I want it the easy way or the hard way, But I told they to leave me alone, I thought they would just leave and go".
"Bu... But, they rough handled me and stole all my goods and ran off", I explained.
"Okay, do you remember any of their faces?", the policeman said, I look at this name tag and saw Imma written there.
"Yes I did Imma", I said, "Okay", he said looking at me and the name tag he wore on his uniform.
"I will take you inside to our sketch artist, so you will describe exactly how he looked", Imma said. "Don't miss a little description", he warned.
I went to the sketch artist and sat down in front of him, "So what is you name?", the sketch artist asked.
"Oh, my name, I am Temilade, Temilade Adeyemo", I replied. "Okay, what of you parents?", he asked, "Why didn't they come with you?".
"I do not want to talk about it I am sorry", I said.
"Okay, now let's start, begin with their hair", he instructed.
"The first guys which I think is their boss wore a bandana on this head, he had no facial hair on his face, and he wore a sunglasses",
"The other guy had lots of hair on his head and had a little facial hair on his face",
"The third guys also had lots of hair and facial hair", I described.
The sketch artist took his time and drew the people, he showed Temilade and asked, "Is this the people you saw?", he asked.
"Yes, yes they are, and I must say you are a very incredible artist", I complimented.
"Sure, I learned", he said. I went to Imma cause I remembered something, "Imma please I just remembered something", I said.
"What is it?", he asked. "Well while they where attacking me I heard one of them mention of their name", I said.
"Okay what are their names?", he asked. "Actually it is just one of them name I heard", I replied.
"Okay what is it?", he asked. "His name was", I said trying to remember.
"If you don't remember take my number in case you remember", he said bringing out a card from his pocket and giving it to me.
"Okay thank you", I appreciated. "I will surely reach out to you", I said and left the police station.
Oh God he is so handsome, I said still looking at him through the window, then I saw him running towards me, I wonder why?.
"Temilade, I just remembered you said you don't have transportion fees", he said.
"So I decided to give you this", he said seeping his hand into his pocket to bring out a five hundred naira note, "Have this, am sure you will need it".
"Oh thank you, thank you very much, I really appreciate it", I rejoiced.
"Okay, please don't mention, maybe if you are free you could call me with the number I gave you and we could know our self much better", he asked.
"Sure, sure I can do that I will do that sure", I said nervously.
I chartered a car and drove to my house.
I went online on my phone to see if there was any job I could do to earn a living but all of it was all I was not qualified for.
What will I do, just a good job I will not get how will I survive. I threw my phone on the chair and lay down on the floor hopelessly.
Then I had a notification for my phone, I quickly stand up to check my phone if there was any job opportunity I could do and suddenly I found it was a job I was qualified for, it was small but worth it I needed to become a cleaner at someone's house.
To be continued
I hope you enjoyed this chapter❤❤❤
- kvngdan.