Chapter 67 - Unspoken

The puzzle pieces of his mind came together by the next that no one would know Brandons struggles in the night.

Emerging from his room, he descended the steps the next night and just as he hit the bottom floor, the front door was thrown open and six tired looking Guardians shuffled into the front room. Leading their weary trek into the front parlor where most of the Shifters simply plopped down onto the carpet was Mantilo. All of them shoe-less and with eyes glowing and....claws out on their fingertips that looked sharp enough to gut a man. Instantly Brandon was gripped to see all of Ezekiels family returned safely after hours of hunting....but shocked and disgusted with the reaction Brandon shook his head and dropped the smile he felt on his face.

Brandon tried to turn back, but he had barely shifted his feet on the steps backwards before a familiar and feminine voice was calling out to him.