Sometimes the things we are afraid the most might not be that, think again:

I went upstairs to take a shower while Seun was downstairs drinking, after the shower I came downstairs to catch up with Seun, we where both bored to stay at home but going out was not even an option for the two of us, so we decided to watch a movie on Netflix.

My cousin came back earlier than expected, she dashed into her room after little pleasantries from us, Seun never cared about her mood, he turned his face back to the T.V screen but I was worried to my bones, I left him for upstairs to confront her actions these past days.

“Cousin, it’s Joanne, can you please open up, I would like to have a word with you if you don’t mind”. I knocked.

“ Is it so important, can’t it wait? She said.

“ Okay, if you say so but it has been bothering me lately and it’s about you”.

She was silent for awhile then I heard some foot steps towards my direction and then she opened the door sluggishly and said.