My place of primary assignment was a typical rural area where light and water is a scarce resource, the community has never had a stable light supply for a day and they reserved rainwater in a big tank with a pipe connecting it from the old dilapidated zinc.

We were given accommodation in a nearby church quarter close to my location, the right string bed was covered with a seven-inch torn bed, and the room I was allocated for was occupied with three strong beds in each corner of the room.

The whole scenario made me remembered how comfy my king size bed at home was and a bigger room that can contain a twelve-string bed at a goal-

“Oh! How I missed home and comfort, how can I stay here for the next eleven months”, I couldn’t help but exclaim.

I pondered over the whole area and my coping with everything, I was so broke that my cousin had to assist with a little amount, I decided not to call my parents for they have tried graciously for me and my son.