I came, I -=omitted=- , I WON! GET WRECKED!



The Unnamed God. I'm Really Not a God You Guys ! (restricted)


The Unnamed God. I'm Really Not a God You Guys !





If I must say myself, I would have made the most epic training montage of all times. THE EYE OF THE FUCKING DRAGON!! ♬♩♪♩(>◒< )

But training is not all that happened during that period.

Let's see I researched the geography a bit. The Lunar Keep is somewhere in the east of the continent. Oh yeah remember when I said this world seems crazy at first?

Well…. turns out it's even crazier than I first fathomed. This whole continent is apparently floating. Not high up in the air. Not on the ground either. I heard it's supposed to be lazily floating above the sea. So, I guess I'm on a big ass island right now. How does that make sense? No one knows. Worst of all no one cares.

Still. Said island is big enough for me to travel as much as I want. For now, my planned destination is someplace in the west. The faster way to reach it is through a disaster zone, a forest. Perfect place to disappear. Plus, it is the natural habitat of the overwolf. I'm kinda curious to see one since it tastes so good. Horrible argument? I'm just trying my luck anyway. I feel like I managed to upgrade my survivability by a lot in the previous month …I should be fine.

I also drank with the sectmaster a few times. Okay many, many times. The old dude is so fucking loud when drunk it's hilarious.

Drinking irresponsibly without thinking of the consequences is bad, Mkay. (you know who)

Drinking irresponsibly without thinking of the consequences is the absolute best! (me)

You know. I can picture it:

*Overhyped sport commentator*

* In the right corner we have Hangover and the left some Divine energy! 3! 2! 1! Fight! And the hangover is already defeated! Ladies and gentlemen that was the most satisfying 1 second fight of all time! I'm so glad I didn't actually have to pay 100$+ for that shit like you bunch of losers. And I've been informed I've just lost my job! Thank you all! *

Let's just say I'm pretty sure the quantity of booze I went trough this single month is higher than all my previous lives added up. Good times. We did have to go with a cheaper option than semi-divine wine. Sadly, my proposal to redistribute some of the war funds got vetoed. Oh yeah fun fact turns out the Lunar goddess has a twin sister. Also, a goddess of the moon. But no one here would even acknowledge her existence. Well not sober anyway. This place has 2 moons ….and 2 goddesses that each insist they are the sole possessor of both. Oh well. It does sadden me a bit. Where is the harmony. Where is the love. Really unlike all the videos of twins I enjoyed if you know what I mean. 😉

Grey is still smiling to this day on a bench in his courtyard. I'm still not sure if he has ever opened is eyes in his entire existence. This should be added to the list of the profound mysteries of the world.

As far as Luna is concerned. She only followed me closely at the beginning. The more the month advanced and the more she did her own training on the side too. Side note there is not only 1 recognized way to train in this world. The bases are split between training the muscles for warriors and sensing the mana of the world for mages. Then later it becomes more about the ability to manipulate the energy of the body or the mana. After that comes the techniques that multiply one's prowess. When all these steps are completed everyone has a different path. So, training for rank 1 till 2 is similar everywhere. But going above rank 2 already requires some personal thinking. The power of a god is there most of the time to help the believers thread a pre-defined path so they can accomplish more with less efforts.

For Luna said training is mostly about incorporating the light and darkness element to her sword attacks. I must say I'd pay to watch the show any day. A graceful yet deadly dance …with cool light effects. \(^○^)/

The technique is self-created. Apparently based on a formation array that mages usually use. How she can use it single-handedly when the original takes 5 mages of both elements each ….is a mystery. I also learned that the sectmaster is her father. I was too drunk to react when I initially learned that info.

Anyway, I'm extremely grateful to her for answering my questions patiently and taking care of me. Also, how the fuck did she manage to clean that room full of blood without anyone noticing?!

As far as our relationship goes. She is a beautiful young woman. And I am a handsome young man. But my situation is unique. The whole I'm pretending to be the goddess' champion. Also, with me planning to leave soon. You know.

Because of that I politely refused her advances and told her the truth…. about me planning to leave. Obviously not the first one. I enjoy having my head attached to my body very much. Something about me leaving to go temper myself. Something about me not planning to come back. Something about me going on the offensive alone in the domains of the other gods. Load of bullshit, but at least enough to keep her away. You know given any relationship now would make her a widow at the end of the month

…. Yeah that kinda backfired on me.

And I mean backfired a lot. She did not mind. At all.

But being the outstanding example of moral virtue that I am ... I resisted the temptation … a good 4 days. Of course, that is counting the 4 days I was either getting tortured, was in a coma or was intense training at the beginning. Not much of an accomplishment you say? Did you properly read her description in chapter 6?!


That brings us to this moment. The epic fight of one chapter of intense manly brawl between me and the bodybuilder dude! Or at least that's how I pictured it in my head. Let's just say it doesn't really go as I planned.

I get to his courtyard. He's still as muscular and manly. We are alone there. We are confronting each other. Suddenly we both charge! Well he dashes. I'm so slow I'm pretty much standing still. But this time I'm actually circulating divine energy already and I'm enhancing the resistance of my body to the maximum! I'll completely destroy him !! HAHAHAHA

And …. he beats me up.

He's really fast.

He's really strong

He moves in a weird way.

Even when I pay attention his fist seems to teleport.

I'm getting thrown into the air and back to the ground.

I'm similar to a feather. Moving across the room with every blow.

Except it's a fist that moves me. Not the wind. And the fist is so powerful I'd take a bulldozer over it.

But remember I'm using divine energy.

It doesn't actually hurt. I'm fine. It's like getting a massage …with a sledgehammer.

Slightly uncomfortable…but not that bad.

And it keeps going for an hour or so.


The bodybuilder sits on the ground panting heavily.

I get up like nothing happened at all.

I stretch comfortably.

Ah the sun sure is warm today.

I guess that means I won right?



Told you I was gonna beat him up!

What happened to leaving this place. No rush. There is still almost a month before the cultivator dude makes his way here.

Let me enjoy my victory! Killjoy!